
Yes, he is. But not where Cara is concerned. Most of the time, I find his total ridiculousness quite amusing...in an AbFab kind of way.

More like diminutive, "ugly" men who are constantly underestimated.

He is 100% a Targaryen. But 50% Targaryen.

Ooh, that's a good idea (the Hand to Dany)! I think Dany and Jon Snow are going to get together in the long run. He is a Targaryen himself*, and we all know how they like to keep it in the family. That's my guess, anyway.

That's not what he was saying at all. The rest of the quote: "Was it Bacon who said, 'There is not beauty without some strangeness in the proportions'?" She is Lagerfeld's current muse—he uses her to open and close all of his shows and thinks she is a "genius" at what she does and the next Kate Moss. But there will be

Martin has talked about how Tyrion kind of represents him. So I don't think he'll get killed off...I hope.

I have also read that they are the best way to cook vegetables in order to maximize the amount of nutrition—because the cooking is more precise than other methods. For example:

I don't know. Once I had a kid, the microwave became an essential: heating up water to warm bottles, heating up baby food, heating up chicken nuggets when the child is screaming for food rightnowandnotasinglesecondlonger...I never had one until I had a kid, but now I can't imagine living without one.

The one decent thing is that he does seem to be concerned that the models be of age. Probably just self preservation, of course, but the models all say that before the shoots began, they showed ID and he took their picture with it as proof. Cause he does like the young looking ones...

I say something like, "you look really fit," or similar.

The info in this post is all wrong, the baby is 55 pounds, not 40. The average weight for a baby this age ranges from 17.5 to 22 pounds. And the adjusted diet will be of vegetables and juices (the juice part is odd, regardless). But, yes, docs recommend babies start solid foods around 6 months.

Yes, 55 pounds. Also, the "strict" diet will be of vegetables and juices, not fruit and vegetable juices. (I still fail to see how that is a good idea...)

She also has a collab with Banana Republic that is still available. It seems like she was on the road to building name recognition in order to further her own line. What a loss...

Ha! No corn dogs, but the hot dogs were served from an authentic cart, if that helps. ;) We also had mini burgers and fries. Plus a buffet of "homestyle" cakes in lieu of a real wedding cake (all combos of chocolate and vanilla frostings and cakes, plus red velvet, carrot and lemon). It was delicious....and now I must

Awww. It can be stressful—hopefully you had trauma and stress on your wedding day so you could have smooth sailing for the marriage itself... :)

Someone spilled tomato soup on mine at my reception (we had grilled cheese with tomato soup shooters). In a totally out of character move, I was very chill about it. My wedding coordinator and the venue director sat me down and went to work on the stain while I ate a hot dog (as you can see, we had a very fancy menu).

No, he is creating "art" (LOL), and the subject matter is pornographic. That's not solicitation. And the police don't prosecute, because the women never objected while it was happening (that's what the woman who came forward this week said happened when she went to the police, anyway).

I would imagine that there is a big difference in how he acts on a shoot he is doing for a client (ad or editorial), and how he acts when shooting for "art" (independant shoots for his photography books or gallery shows). The stories I have seen calling out assault/coercion have all happened as part of the latter.

Unless the release explicitly states that the signee agrees to engage in sexual acts with Richardson as part of the shoot, "she signed a release" is no excuse for his behavior. Though he clearly doesn't get that—it makes me think of Kobe Bryant's defense during his rape trial.

I thought that BMG was fake vomit.