
TBH having grown up in a place where you had to be 21 just to enter a bar I find this “take your kid to the pub” thing very odd. ;)

Way more people with Kids have the commons sense not to expect special treatment. And clearly from the hundreds of similar comments to my own with thousand of collective stars, YOU (yes you still sitting in the greys) are the one with the minority opinion who no one cares for.

Why do you want to take your kid to a bar tho?

Sounds like that’s more for you than for them?

Wouldn’t they rather go someplace more kid-friendly?

I’m a parent of a toddler, and I gotta say, I think that this is a super good compromise. Why?

Just wow.  I have two small ones and I try to think about how the kids will affect others, not who should cater to me regardless of how much of a pain in the ass I am.  Those kids are an extension of me and their behavior reflects on me.  We don’t go to fine dining places/romantic places with the kids.  I know it’s a

I’ve never seen a pub that has toys or a play area. If they do then yes this establishment is catering towards children, bring your child. I won’t go there myself.

Or those kids walk in with their shitty friends in 10 years like they own the place. Are obnoxious to staff and dont tip. THEY’RE FAMILY after all!

The life of the newly adult hipster is hard.  So very hard.

Please identify these great diners that ban very young kids during dinner times, I will patronize them exclusively.

Who the fuck takes their kid to a gastro pub for dinner anyway.

Counter-point: You sound like a selfish piece of shit who seems to forget that catering to the customer means catering to the MOST customers possible, not ruining a business for the 2% of selfish chucklefucks who think the world should be wrapped in child proofing because they shit out a little monster. Go clear the

In 5-10 years, nobody will go there to drink, because it’s too full of snotnosed kids and oblivious parents. Presto changeo-- it’s gone from being a cool neighborhood spot to a Hipster Chuck E. Cheese. Womp womp!

It is a bar. There is no reason to have a child in a bar at all, and it’s a gift that this place only limit it at dinner hour or later. Bar patrons (who outnumber Sam) have the right to expect their bar to act like a bar. And I assure you, using the “greater good” method of calculation, society appreciates the rule.

Or people like me would stop going there and tell people “It used to be fun, but then it got full of noisy bothersome children”.

Eh, there are other places one can go to.

If no one wants this Gastropub-social-media-influencer and my bouncing kid around their cocktails, then fuck all of you. Good luck SURVIVING. A-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.........goddammit. Anyone have a diaper and a clean onesie?

Sam is so important and influential that he was alerted to this new policy by a fucking sign on the door.

Methink the lady (or entitled Dad) doth protest too much.

Well, it’s a new policy, so the only possible explanation is that they heard he had a kid and they wanted to show him that even though he put them on the map, they didn’t want him around any more. It’s so obvious.

The level of entitlement of this guy is so damn high.