
YOU try being the poor pub employee who has to make the judgment call as to which kids are “well-behaved” or not (hint: EVERY parent thinks their own precious angel is well-behaved 100% of the time). You can’t use a subjective call like that to say “Sorry, that kid can stay but yours is being a brat”. THAT would piss

Odd and horribly self-centered. Surely they would expect everyone in the pub to genuflect at their offspring as they pass by in reverence. You can tell from the tone of the post.

You seem to be forgetting about all of the parents who want to get away from their kids sometimes and might go to this place specifically for a rare adults-only atmosphere, only to see somebody else demanding to break the rules.
If you don’t like it, go somewhere else. That’s a Win-Win, because people with your

Clearly this one does NOT have that stuff for kids, or they wuldn’t be banning them. Or have you been in every single solitary pub on earth?
Enjoy your pub that has turned into Chuck E Cheese; the rest of us remember when places serving mostly alcohol forbade anyone under 18 in there, never mind under 5.

Sorry, they’d been showing swimming ALL NIGHT. It was time for gymnastics (the total amount of which got little time alloted), but they still could have shown Simone’s medal on delay.

GEN Y is approximately 1980-2000 births. That includes you.

EVERY older generation in the history of time looks down on the generations after it, especially the one RIGHT after it.

1987 = Gen Y or Millennial