
Good thing that they thinned out her wrists.

Too bad for Terry that photoshop doesn't have a "remove rape" tool.

first i was like 'this is some next level bullshit'

Of all of the things that Karl Lagerfeld has ever said or done, this is probably the only one I agree wholeheartedly is a great idea.

Sprinkles is for sure a tasty cupcake. But I do think it's overpriced and uppity about its brand. They've got more room for bragging rights but a cupcake is still a cupcake.

I get that insurance is complex (purposely so), and that most people just don't understand what they spend all of that money on, but COME ON. The "free" birth control rhetoric is making me CRAZY. It. is. not. free. We are SO used to just handing over that money pre-paycheck that the day we don't pay a copay we

When you pay thousands of dollars as an employee into your health insurance premiums, you are paying for your healthcare. And employer contributions to health care is part of a compensation package: AKA your pay. Employers should not be dictating how my pay is spent.

Yeah, super available is right. My mother works in a male dominated field with a fair bit of traveling involved. Her single male co-workers tend to walk around like their hot shit and hit on younger girls. Meanwhile they get all sad drunk at conferences and talk about how they're lonely and can't find a companion. OK,


It's probably because everybody you know looks a bit crap when you're that old, so you don't feel like you're behind the pack.

Parity! And it only takes 85 or more years.

"Women have the right to birth control, but there is no constitutional right to have someone else pay for it."

Can you explain further how companies are "paying for birth control" by contributing to the cost of an employee's health insurance policy? I've never quite understood this line of thinking, but perhaps that's

The corporation has an legal obligation to provide health care for it's workers. Birth control constitutes a portion of women's health care. They are withholding health care from women based on their gender. That is a violation of the right of women to not be discriminated on based on gender (see the continued

If that isn't sexism, I don't know what is.

Sexism is determining that a corporation's right to religious freedom trumps a woman's human rights. That's what sexism is.

That is an insult to supermarket birthday cakes everywhere. ;)

"In fact, I would go so far as to say I don't like any food that tastes bad."

I love cupcakes — but only if they taste good. In fact, I would go so far as to say I don't like any food that tastes bad.

When you're in that situation, it's hard. People give you looks, comments, etc. And it can either knock you down, or you can start thinking, screw this person. S/he knows nothing about my situation. My WIC case worker told me to stop worrying about that. If I didn't NEED the help, I wouldn't have qualified. What

I'm going to say, "I wished I'd banged a few *less*." Two AM at 18-years-old was not prime decision making time for me. Not at all :)