
RE: Kroger Boost. Albertons purchased Safeway in 2015. Krogers purchase of Albertsons is still pending.

First, did Stanford ever ask what this football player was doing in public? Why wasn’t he home studying or in class? If he’d been where he was supposed to be, instead of out with his friends, he wouldn’t have gotten coffee spilled on him. Assaults never happen at home or in class, and he should have known that.

I’m with you, he was probably asking for it. I mean, he probably had on really spillworthy clothing.

From the same campus that brought you Brock Turner comes this absolute bullshit.

This horrible. I’m sorry for Katie. I’m sorry for Katie’s friend and I’m sorry for Katie’s loved ones. I mean spilled coffee, is a bad? But rape is fine I guess. Women supporting other women is always going to be punished in our society. Now our society has lost a young woman willing to fight back for her teammate and

Wasn’t a big fan of his TDS tenure for a lot of reasons, but whenever his name comes up I always take the opportunity to recommend his book. It’s just outstanding on every level. Especially the audio version, which if nothing else, helps with the various accents and pronunciations. It’s funny and quite moving in

Willow was awesome. I have way more interest in watching this than either The House of the Dragon or The Rings of Power.

I think I would have been mortified to be caught in one of these at one point in my life. Now, as a miserable old fuck, I’d probably relish being the one to kill it for the workers’ sake. Take the free coffee and throw what you were going to pay into the tip box. 

... and if you’re in a line of 36 pay-it-forwards, nobody except the last guy is getting anything for free. You’re just paying for a different order than your own. That’s not charity. But then I don’t understand the whole Starbucks culture. Sure, I’ll drink their mocha once in awhile, but no over-roasted, overpriced an

The pay it forward thing has always been the dumbest thing imaginable. It’s performative charity for people who don’t need it. Want to feel good? Donate time or money to an actual cause. Or, as this article wisely suggests, tip the workers.

Username checks out.

Yeah. I really wish the Agent Carter show had gone on longer. She and Jarvis were delightful to watch. 

Anything that gives us more Peggy Carter is an objective good to the world and I can’t wait.

“Avengers assemble” will never not give me goosebumps. 

Maybe it’s the stories I read, but I remain impressed how the people we train to go overseas and fight can handle this type of shit so easily while cops lose their shit if someone so much as looks at them wrong.

> And at that point Soul becomes a movie about BLACK COMMUNITY instead of simply middle-aged black maleness. The idea that the movie can only progress and grow by Joe learning from even more experienced and diverse black voices than his own is something I found really precious and valuable as a black audience member.

Joe had to stop being Joe to appreciate his life because he only wanted his life back so he could return to not living it. The transformative nature of him being put into a cat doesn’t remove his blackness because the center of the movie is still a black man’s voice and a black face onscreen almost 100% of the film.

It was explained in the movie (quickly) that the spark isn’t a thing, it’s a passion for living. 22 was afraid of living, so she(?) never got her spark until she experienced life in Joe’s body.

Admittedly, I’m not black, but it felt more like Joe’s film than 22's to me, in the same way Toy Story felt more like Woody’s film than Buzz’s.