darleeeeeene aka deraaiilleeeeeene

If the press had spend more time on policy and less time on GUYS I DONT THINK MELANIA HAS A COLLEGE DEGREE ALSO HILLARYS EMAILS GUYZ we probably wouldn’t be in this current mess...

It’s just meaningless. Donald Trump didn’t win this election, winged monkeys stole it and flew off to Oz with it!! Whatever, man.

I think you’re right on the money. Lack of engagement and defeatist attitudes are what got us into this mess in the first place.

Awesome! Do it! Maybe someone among you will try to run for office!

this actually isn’t entirely true

You mean the poor who overwhelmingly voted for Clinton? They didn’t seem to take issue with the current party platform.

You’re really great at redirection and ignoring the point.

President Obama has it right with his post-presidency priorities. The most important thing Democrats can do in the next 4 years is concentrate on winning state legislatures because in 2020, state legislatures will get to redraw the district lines for the House of Representatives. If you haven’t heard of REDMAP, here’s

Let’s focus on the white men and everyone else can expect to see trickle-down benefits!

Democrats fracture along personal pet issues, Republicans just...hate everything, but at least they do it together?

I’m in the national Pantsuit Nation, and my statewide division,* and so far there’s a lot of energy and mischief afoot. ;) I’d suggest to anyone feeling lonely or helpless to consider joining.

Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!

interesting, i hadn’t heard that. who was saying we should abandon pushing for equal rights and police reform?

“The 2016 U.S. presidential election was a referendum on capitalism’s failures to serve the interest of working class people”

White guys: Hillary Clinton sucked, that’s why we lost.

Democrats fall in love, while Republicans fall in line.

The Left: If only all of you without white penises had shut up about your rights, we never would have tanked you. Only white guys’ jobs matter because nobody else is suffering economically. Unity, people!

I’m still at the “cry and hold each other” stage.

Going by what I’ve read, apparently the new direction is to throw any minority concern under the bus in favor of catering to the working class white voter. Abortion rights, BLM, trans rights, gay marriage-mere identity issues! Forget environmental concerns or the reality of globalization... forget being honest about

They start voting in every election—midterm elections, special elections, city council elections, proposition-only elections, bond-only elections, every election.