Me too.
There are so many reasons why I love living in Brooklyn, and am so so happy to especially now, but in this time where decisive action feels a little nebulous I kind of wish I had a congressman who needed to be convinced of anything. I call his local office anyway (mostly so I could tell friends in other states that I…
Do you or anyone here have advice on where to find advocacy groups to volunteer with? I currently have more time than money to give and would like to get involved with advocacy groups that have to do with gun control- lgbtq equality- civil liberties - healthcare accessibility - you get he idea — I’m in Orlando.
Don’t be a dick. Even if she agrees with the toolbag, she’s offering sound political advocacy advice to an obviously liberal audience.
White America- Where a woman who drinks is asking to get raped but a man who drinks is the victim when he tries to kill someone.
That’s how I feel exactly. I honestly believe there are a lot of people who still depend on TV for “news” and relevant information. And by skipping past some stories and avoiding analysis on others, tv media contributed to a significant information gap.
and when i stop believing in myself, can i believe in you believing in me?
These are sober times. The more blunt approach may be best.
Me too. Pence is also an ignoramous, but he doesn’t have any kids that will advise him like Eric Von Douchenozzel, the Patrick Bateman cosplayer and sweatshop owner Ivanka. Once Trump goes (quitting, impreached or quadupal bipass), they go.
“All you whiny liberals need to just accept the fact that Donald Trump is our next president and is going to make America Great Again. Continuing to whine about the outcome and not accept reality isn’t going to help.”
For all their bitching about first amendment rights they really don’t want women to speak. Wonder why...can’t be because they’re misogynistic. Cause several of them have told me they’re not. Hmm...hmm. Guess we’ll never know.
Hello: Environmental sciences person here. Fish kills like this seem to disturb people but its not that uncommon and happens in usually more boring ways, like a bunch of tree debris or something falls into a stream after storm and uses up all the oxygen in the decay process, turning the water body hypoxic until it…
The first thing a dictator does is go after the media.
She took that back too.
Except that she believes he tried to poison her. But they patched things up. Because he is not a vindictive poisoner.
I’ve seen several Facebook posts with some variation of: “Sure Trump said some terrible things, but you millennials are just crybabies and need to get over yourselves. Let’s give Trump a chance to get rid of corruption in government.”
Fucking yup.