darleeeeeene aka deraaiilleeeeeene

I have smelly feet. But the smell is quite literally gone after a shower and i don’t explicitly wash my feet. I just run my soapy fingers between my feet fingers once if it’s too smelly.

Yorkshire is on my international travel bucket list.

We have a psychopath for president-elect who is attempting (as a good psychologist friend of mine put it) to gaslight the whole country.

Donald’s chutzpah around Hillary Clinton is fucking astounding. She’s “suffered greatly in many different ways”? Ways that he caused!


Well, of course CRTV is doing this. Because, as Patton Oswalt reminded us after the election, it turns out this country is even more misogynistic than it is racist.

oh just fucking fuck everything.

That’s what I’m saying. I can’t imagine a better way to ignore holiday expectations than to pour a brandy and draw a chair up to this.

Ah, I got some of my definitions fuzzy there. And I definitely agree- this basically moves it down the sliding scale of how bad a sin is. They still don’t like it, but if you can take slightly less extraordinary steps to be welcomed back, then even though they are still calling it a sin there will be an overall effect

Which is why it’s so important to keep pushing back on voting restrictions. Because while the new crop of white men are just as sexist/racist as the crop before, they’re smaller relative to the number of women and minorities.

I’m gonna go with my gut and assume that this is gonna end well.

Hey, if they want to open up fraud discussions - how about the fishy looking vote totals in WI counties as it relates to paper ballots vs. digital-only ballots and 2012 vs. 2106. We can all go right down the rabbit hole all the way to the bottom if that’s what everyone wants.

It’s not over ‘til it’s over, and I shall continue to he hopeful until then.

The mac and cheese was my first, sent by a friend who said “don’t laugh, just try it”

If they recognized the politicians as the reason they aren’t wealthy, in spite of all their promises, the Republicans would have fallen out of power years ago.

I posted this down below, but it’ll get lost in the greys (sigh).

Get used to it, right wing idiots. The broken promises are only going to keep coming, and they’re going to get bigger and bigger until you can’t ignore that this orange buffoon is not going to be making you wealthy.

How, exactly, are we not going to end up in a civil war with these goobers?

So he can steal anything he can get his hands on with nary a peep from his devoted followers, but merely admitting that reality is, you know, reality, is an unforgivable offense. How, exactly, are we not going to end up in a civil war with these goobers?

Just a note here that the fascism article I linked to is from an old issue of Free Inquiry that’s hard to find online, but the website itself, Rense, is a terrible hive of conspiratorial far-right bullshit and suggestions that Hillary Clinton is the anti-Christ. Going to find a better link and swap it out momentarily.