darleeeeeene aka deraaiilleeeeeene

I agree with this %100. They will find a way to justify anything.

I needs to be something not just unethical, hypocritical or embarrassing. It needs to be a felony. That way, it doesn’t matter what his shit-heel supporters think. He needs to have broken the law in a substantial way.

I’m hoping that as their only policy plans so far have been to “Drain the swamp!” President-elect Dipshit decides “Well we’re going to keep things as Obama had them for a while until we can figure out what we’re doing...” and then every member of his cabinet and constituency dies of rage stroke.

This was also the adminstration that took money from the federal government to settle refugees and then turned around and refused to do so. Kept the money though. Very classy.

His supporters will engage in mental gymnastics to somehow rationalize why it’s okay for him to withhold emails, but it isn’t for Clinton to do the same. Just like how they are more than willing to turn a blind eye to the Trump Organization’s potential ties to foreign governments, while screaming into the void about

I’ll take it. Any glimmer of hope at this point.

Donated! Will spread the word.

Their one saving grace.

They can be adorable.

I’m going to start treating every little girl and young woman like she will be, until one of them is.


That makes me cry. Like you, I thought the first female president would be from our generation or our mothers’, but it’s not looking at all likely. I truly hope she is at least already born.

oh my god.

we’re all god’s children, lisasaur.

oh :(

God kids can’t do ANYTHING

Ever since Tuesday night, no matter where I am - on my running trail, on the bus home from work, in the grocery store - in all of these places, I look at each little girl and think “Maybe it’s you. Maybe you will be our first woman President.” I’m 30 and until now I never thought she would be younger than I.

Kara, I’m pretty sure it was you who ungreyed me on Election Day (the day I turned into a zombie who never stops crying), so thank you for that and thank you for this adorable video. I need your posts and your honesty during the DT presidency... please don’t leave ever.