Oh, man, that mint Kahlua is the tits. I think it’s only available during the winter/Xmas season, so I need to put that on the shopping list. (Also good in hot chocolate: Salted Caramel Baileys).
Oh, man, that mint Kahlua is the tits. I think it’s only available during the winter/Xmas season, so I need to put that on the shopping list. (Also good in hot chocolate: Salted Caramel Baileys).
Yeah, leave it to a Mike Huckabee thread to make me go get some Abuelita. Maybe I’ll try it your way
My mom always made the hot chocolate abuelita and added a small piece of gouda to melt inside. Not as gnarly as it sounds
Do you follow his insta? He LOVES his family so much, and he’s so cool and down to earth. And I love him and I want him to marry me, but he won’t because he LOVES his family so much. Ugh.
Not necessarily...
I watched JtV over the summer and I love it. It’s so great and just makes me happy every time I watch.
that, is damn fine looking man.
Dammit! It is?
But they ratted him out at trial. I don’t understand why they didn’t do that before and cut a deal? Wildstein did and as far as I know is avoiding jail time.
But when I did live in New York, I did occasionally order Domino’s. Pick your jaw up off the floor and chiiiilllll.
For the 4,578th time, I don’t live in New York.
Do not spend a second of your life worrying about me.
Hoping these convictions lead to charges against him. It’s about time he and his bully tactics are dealt with.
Oh, I think it was already over. It would be nice if this made Fox News avoid hiring him for at least a few years.