darleeeeeene aka deraaiilleeeeeene

As a teacher, I can tell you for a fact that we are “encouraged” to have the kids think critically. In reality, the curriculum that’s pushed does very little to encourage that and is primarily used to promote the “skills” used to pass state tests. There is no exploration, no problem solving, just disguised teaching

Sigh. My sons said to me last week: “Wait. You took a course called ‘Civil Rights’ in HIGH SCHOOL?”

how in the world did they get Angela Lansbury to fit inside that tiny teapot?

Yes, me too!! Totally paused in the middle of getting ready for hosting our Halloween party to sit down on our bed and hyperventilate to my husband about how fucked up this all is. Migraines in overdrive.

Ha, I’ve been referred to as “the owner’s wife” in my own business. He, for the record, is the owner’s husband. Seriously, he does not own a square inch of the place. Male employees tend to prefer to speak to him when they have an issue, to which he tells them to talk to their boss.

Both statutory rape and “forcible rape.” She alleges he used forced penetration.

they are the only reason i’m still alive

He was probably caught up in the moment/trying to be dramatic, but speaking as a swimmer* with defective nostrils, your explanation sounds reasonable too. Seriously, I can breathe through my nose until I either lay down or begin to exert myself. Then it’s open the mouth or asphyxiate.

So agree. I love that she highlights “women” issues. And I think she has a unique voice.

A very good point - it’s certainly not like I expect Trump’s base to be watching any of these shows.

Hugs, me too. All of that. There isn’t enough gin to get me through to Tuesday night.

I’ve never understood people calling her unlikeable. She is into bourbon and you know her hair is full of (government) secrets. That’s enough for me. Come hang out, Hillz.

Yeah that was a bit harsh but I agree. Hazing is a pretty apt term for what’s been going on.

I went to my therapist on Monday. After my usual five-minute word vomit of anxieties, she put her head in her hands and responded “I’m afraid for our country”. This is where we are at as a country. Even mental health professionals can’t deal. (And yes, I know it was probably unprofessional, but that is exactly why I

Yeah, better late than never for his rehab, but it also would have been better BEFORE NOW

SAME! Let’s send her good twitter vibes!

OH FUCK YOU ANTHONY WEINER. If he was just screwing himself over time and time again, I might, possibly still feel bad for him. But now that he might be fucking the entire world, he FINALLY decides to go to rehab. Fuck off you narcissistic shitbag.

Hard to say if the Daily Mail will continue to nail these Weiner exclusives

I really didn’t know who she was before he targeted her, now I follow her on twitter. Thanks, Trump!

“Little Katy”