darleeeeeene aka deraaiilleeeeeene

Oh, I will! You can count on that!

That’s because he only has an Id. No superego, no ego to mediate. He’s just a big Id. This is bound to make anyone question another person’s humanity.

I got Remini’s book from Audible. Well worth it. She reads it herself and that makes it even better.

I was trying to explain to my young sons last night how important it is to me, as a woman. I think they’re starting to understand how important women’s equality is. I sure hope so.

I should’ve asked her to adopt me years ago. Damn it.

No, she’s a longtime Clinton hater. But, I bet she “forgets” to vote.

Uhhhhhh that’s a big fucking red flag.

I’m still in the #girlIguessImwithher camp, but DAMN if I didn’t feel proud last night when she called out that bullshit ignorance and scare rhetoric.

I hope she puts out a tell-all book down the road. The stories she must have.

No, she’s just really, really, REALLY good at her job. To go along with anything Trump says, no mater what. That’s what she was hired to do. To spin and be loyal.

Have you ever seen her Halloween episodes? They were amazing. I believe there was one dedicated to many sides of Cher

Trump bragged for almost an entire year about all the media coverage he was getting during the primary.

But think of the legal forms and waivers participants had to sign. I remember one episode at a concrete plant (?) where they had to climb to the top of a shaft or scaffolding and stand there. Nope, just nope....

My favorite part of the show was when he’d yell at ghosts and dare them to appear. I looked for an appropriate gif to share, but most had hearts and shit on them....whut????

I recently empowered my female dog to not barf her expensive prescription food all over the kitchen floor. She embraced the empowerment and barfed outside.

I know I love empowering females. Female kittens, female rabbits, female goats, female cannabis plants, female ducks. YOU NAME IT!

She literally destroyed him. When she gave the rundown of the last 30 years and talked about what she’s accomplished and what little he’s done for anyone other than himself I could’ve died. Me and my mom were both live-texting each other throughout and at that point I could’ve shot off sparks from my fingertips from

Honestly, after Brexit it’s just nice to spend some time yelling at a different country’s politicians.

Another non-American watching this shit show.

I’m not even American but I stayed up to watch the debate (it’s 3:47 AM here, thank God I don’t have work today) and that was one of many lines that made me laugh out loud. ‘Just like we went after Bin Laden... while you were doing Celebrity Apprentice’ made me do a very loud honking laugh.