darleeeeeene aka deraaiilleeeeeene

No but I AM NOW!

Ok, honestly while I was standing in line voting I was like WTF do I need a card that says in which primary I am voting for? It’s not like I can vote twice. My polling station uses a machine where you can only vote once and it turns off. The election official has to turn it back on for the next voter. Ok, maybe not on

I didn’t know the poor frogs were being turned gay. Frog lives matter. Etc.

I think that your concerns are extremely valid. I’m worried too. I’m a white Christian married to a Pakistani Muslim with a Muslim kid. I think about this stuff in a way that I never have (or had to) before because of my skin color.

“Basically”? Paging Judge Brown, paging the Honorable Kara Brown...

It makes me sad that we need confirmation on how she smells, but I’m also delighted that she smells like violets.

I have smelled Hillary Clinton and she smells fantastic. No sulphur. She smelled of flowers, mostly violets.

Now playing

Everything about how Kalief came to be arrested and incarcerated is heartbreaking and just, insane that this happens because it is probably still happening to other people.

This kind of rhetoric has repercussions that are already starting to be felt. The idea that the election is rigged by Clinton and the media bias has led to many in my neighborhood to be concerned about voter fraud. Some in the GOP are encouraging voters to keep an eye on the polls, leading many voters to feel paranoid

For stealing a BACKPACK. Is grand larceny a normal charge for shoplifting one (probably) inexpensive item?

Broken heart syndrome, also called “stress-induced cardiomyopathy.” It’s real.

Since grief and stress can negatively affect your health this is more than just hyperbole.

How incredibly sad and totally fucking preventable. I don’t necessarily believe in an afterlife, but I hope if there is one this woman is finally reunited with her son and covered with love.

That is sickening. 3 years without trial. Why is that legal?


Now playing

You must not know ‘bout Bey. That’s nothing. She had her hair sucked into a huge fan while she was singing “Halo” but she just kept on singing the song perfectly while her people tried to figure out how to unattach her from the machinery.

Which is a big step up, yes.

No, it’s Beyoncé.

I ripped out an earring while brushing my hair yesterday! I am exactly like Beyoncé! Except for piddly little things like beauty and talent, but pfffft.