darleeeeeene aka deraaiilleeeeeene

John Oliver and Sam bee have been amazing and Seth Meyers closer look segments are also great as is colbert’s election segments. The election has highlighted the best in our media.

Pussy (dismisses) back!

Speaking of which, apparently he didn’t have any oppo research done on himself, which is something all normal candidates do.

It felt planned to me. Her smile when she heard it made me believe she had anticipated a similar question at some point in time and had the perfect answer ready.

I COULD NOT wrap my brain around it, that it passed through so many people who didn’t take a damn bit of precaution.

Maybe they saw how popular he was, but imagined he was too ridiculous to win? So they each candidate dreamed that the REAL Republicans would choose them, but they didn’t want to alienate Trump as they were hungry for his deplorable voters for the general election.

Trump and Ivana AND Marla!

Right? My first thoughts were that she was grasping at straws and tried to play for time with the whole ‘that’s a fair question’ bit. She kinda waffled for a bit, saw a Trumplet in the audience and went with it. I don’t think she even realised how brilliantly cutting it was til the crowd reacted. I imagine her going

Is this a real shirt? I googled it and google found nothing within the safe search parameters.

November 8th: Pussy grrrabs back.

He has probably inappropriately and forcefully touched just about every women he has ever encountered. I don’t think your number is much of an exaggeration. Remember, “he just can’t help himself around beautiful women” (paraphrase).

. I’m an antique feminazi and I’ve been watching cspan more years than I care to admit.

I’ve been digging like crazy on the “women in his life” angle so a lot of it is lost to the wind if you’re not dragging up old news cuttings from the library.

100x this. I even turned to my husband and pulled the whole ‘did she just-’ ‘she did!’ routine to confirm.

Yeah. She would have been about 5 at the time of separation, 7 at the time of legal divorce. Marla had Tiffany before they were married, so she was “older” than the marriage, in that sense. I assume the contract was with regard to “issue” from the marriage but it seems hinky to me. What do I know tho I’m not a Super

he has spent a lifetime bullying everyone.

That’s what I want people to keep reminding themselves!! HE HAS NO POWER. He’s just some business guy. He has no political power, he doesn’t have any cultural power now, he can’t sue you because he’d get eviscerated during discovery.

Oh she totally had an answer to that question prepared. It’s not that unusual of a question to be asked in this type of a situation and if there is one thing we know about Hillary Clinton it’s that she prepares for fucking everything.