
He is so robotic, i love it.

I FOUND YOU HERE!! I have a lot of opinions on this show, most of them "pffffft" but like…YEAH THAT BABBY SCENE SCARED ME!

I know I'm late to the party, but it took a LONG time and a flu for me to finally finish it after Kevin "died" the first time. I was so afraid of a "purgatory/afterlife" bullshit parade…and I wasn't wrong.

We have shared custody and the 25 minute drive adds UP! Getting our kid back to her mom's by bedtime is arduous at best, especially after homework, dinner, shower, etc. Kid doesn't really have a chance to breathe. It's a good hour for every pick up/drop off. It really, really adds up. When they said 39 minutes I was

I really just want Alan Alda to be my grandpa…

It was creeping me out for a while. I mean it's based on the rumors surrounding them during the case, so I see why it's in there…
…I was sort of ok with the clarkden ship this episode, but when they were dancing together I was totally squicked and I don't really know why…

I can't believe everyone everywhere doesn't have that whole number memorized…
you down with G.O.D.? YEAH YOU KNOW ME!

My catholic high school show choir did that song. I was so mad i was spoiled because I would have LOST MY DAMNED MIND if I didn't know it was coming. And I'm mad I knew Whoopi was going to be there. This is reason #1 to get cable… :-/

hes a treasure

God that was so good! It played on so many levels, but specific and general. I love this show so much.

with elaborate descriptions "he's a crybaby squat cobbler. not everyone cries"
Man I couldn't stop laughing.

good call, i just know it's while walt still has hair. I always marathon it when i watch, so they sort of blend.

They swindled KENWINS! from the pilot of Breaking Bad. Walt set his car on fire in the gas station. I thought they were just going to leave him in the background to fill out the world, but then they beautifully scammed him!

THAT WAS KENWINS! FROM THE PILOT OF BREAKING BAD! The guy who's car Walt sets on fire!


we should send him a wall of flowers like kanye gave kim.

STOP IT!!!! REALLY?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I knew my boyfriend was a keeper when I spied his box set of Buffy DVDs


I *just* got the name….