
I didn't find it really depressing, if that helps….

yes, yes it was.

I can't stop loving him, and this was fucking HYSTERICAL!

not never, glen did that under the dumpster…it's such a fucking smart move…

I had the same thought re the guns. like…he's got a knife, you've got a gun. nobody's reflexes are quick enough to slit a throat while the bullet is in the air.

I think Nadine set up the kidnapping, or helped facilitate it, and then Michael let her go…

Seriously, I would watch anything for Taraji, but his fucking face makes me want to vom.

I mean, it's pretty clear *why* he killed Kevin…the syringe thing would only be for audience edification.

I don't know, the entire show is ambiguity…that's what makes it so compelling and contentious.

I thought that episode set up his desperation and the fact that he COULD do it rather explicitly.

Yes, but then, besides telling the audience that there is no way to revive Kevin, why would he have emptied the syringe?

I am sticking with a strictly secular interpretation of the show, and they both did this *believing* that there is "the other place" but there really is nothing and they are just dying for no reason. Although Kevin may not be dead.
I'm interested in the role Matt plays in all of this, because it seems like he is in on

I didn't even put all of that together…interesting. But why then did he empty the syringe?

I've been watching I Love Lucy reruns with my kid recently, and that line just floored me.

She probably found out she was pregnant at around 2 weeks like jane? I'd say she's about 5 months into it…guesstimating


I think Jane's life is just in such a different place than Lina's, I understand them not seeing that much of each other. The new nefarious friend guy has an excuse to come around since they are in class together. If people aren't baby or school related, Jane just doesn't seem to have the time to shoehorn them in. Lina

I dunno, I feel like the show has suspended disbelief in WAYYY more wacked out situations. The van jump off the bridge comes to mind immediately. I guess we shall see what happens.

I think if the show traded in that sort of fake out it would have been cheap, but I think that scene was ambiguous enough that he's alive and it's not a hacky cheap out.

Yeah, you're very right. This is going to be a ross and rachel thing all over again. I'm still committed forever.