
Star Wars parties ALWAYS make sense.

I decide to laugh nervously during his raps because OH MY GODDDDDDDDD

I got you bb

And people who sound like Seltzer

Hahaha, a little bit, but maybe tell him to play it up a bit more so he can find the right girl/guy

you know it was Slaughterhouse Five…you just know it.

I think the tingly kiss was due to being a little drunk. but whatever. its all moot now

I'm ride or die now…

you misspelled Jamzzzzz :)

*nervous laughter*

Sirius XM Lithium is my most favorite thing in the goddamned world because they play this song and like…deep album cuts from Throwing Copper, one of my very first CDs I ever owned.

God, now I want to go back in time and be that friend to everyone.

Dont forget Buzz and Buzz Ballads!

late 90s my friend. after all the grunge kids were either dead or sold out. When neo swing was all the rage and we all wished we had zippers made of squirrel nuts.

I totally snuck into Disturbing Behavior when i was a kid, and I remember this song being in it! That's all I remember…maybe Katie Holmes?

i miss zines

Fuck. Cake is so underrated.

I yell this at my kid every time she tells me she's bored.

I've appreciated your comments today.

Been watching Clarissa with NO SHAME!!!