He’s such a dumb fucking cunt.
He’s such a dumb fucking cunt.
Don’t tell her. She’s gotta BELIEVE in something.
My boss voted for him and already regrets it. When he discussed the tariffs he was beside himself, “this man doesn’t understand the supply chain!” and I haven’t heard another comment since.
PS4 baby.
I’m originally from Sri Lanka, permanent resident in the US. Can confirm there are similar reports on Sri Lankan newspapers of Sri Lankan citizens with no connection the 7 countries on the banned lists being detained.
Its like if Microsoft decided to fire all their programmers and hire woodworkers instead, because people didn’t like Windows 10. “they’ll figure it out”
That’s how I felt upon hearing that Lebron is now the oldest person in the NBA all-star game.
A friend of mine posted this sign from last weekend’s rally in Boston and I LOVE IT.
I too only read the transcripts because cannot, and will not, watch or listen to this imbecile.
Thanks for replying to my error strewn post.
The Jackson 5. BOOM!
Funniest part of that video?
well, let that be a lesson to you. make sure you’re born to white folks next time.
And male. Just in case anyone’s vagina was thinking of getting uppity.
Something tells me that this could have been cross-posted to “What Are White People Up To Lately.”
Contemporary sociologists trace the origin of the phrase “alternate facts” back to the 2015, the year that the Super Bowl champion Carolina Panthers became the first team in NFL history to go undefeated.
i’m trying to buy a house right now.
Hidden Fences: