
The correct answer is you.

Only who can prevent forest fires?

Pump those Ace chemicals in another man’s veins!

That’s why her husband has a Porsche

If the other Mandalorians were pissed because Mando took a job from a collapsed Empire, how must they have all felt about Boba Fett working for Darth Vader?

Between this and Starbucks/Dunkin not having Maple Pecan this year, I’m very annoyed.  Slightly less diabetic, but annoyed!

the virus’ point of view

I offered to put them in my Myspace Top 8 and they gave me nothing for free!”

Mine was even scarier: Donald Jr wins 2032

This is why I hope Velveteen Dream stays on NXT until Vince isn’t around anymore.  There is no way Vince is going to use him seriously.

I don’t think the ladder disappearing is a glitch. They do the same thing with weapons: use them a certain number of times and they “break” and disappear so they don’t clutter up the screen. I’d imagine the same thing will happen with a table.

Love to see her .... but I hate to watch her ....

There are many layers to Derek: Derek and Maximum Derek

God willing not true but:

Can’t wait to see Russel Wilson copy this in a few years

I’m guessing something happened with Michael when he put Chris on the Bad Place train.  Last season (and in the previously) they showed they had a skin suit version of Michael to torture the humans when they lost.  Then “Michael” told Bad Janet to give Shawn a message, but maybe it was just a signal that they got

Saying that Chidi looks like an owl who graduated college might be the best description I’ve ever heard.

The doors might be related to the Star Wars hotel their building.  Part of the stay there is “transport” to Batuu, so it might be part of that