Just like The Highlander
Just like The Highlander
Can you read The Two Towers without having read Fellowship? Sure, but you probably aren’t going to know what’s going on.
This article is missing several J’s in Patrick J Pespas’ name. Please fix this. I am not a crackpot.
She’s going to attend her own funeral.
Well if it isn’t the Discocunt!
Sounds like they’re doing the Marvel version of Disney’s Twisted Tales series
One of the best OSTs of all time. Come oooon everybody!!!!!!
Get ready for Leslie’s next week
On board with most of it. I think Nate is going to confront Ted after the loss at his apartment. When he’s there he’ll see the autographed picture that he made such a big deal about on Ted’s desk along with the pictures of his kid. “Been there the whole time buddy”
Just thinking of the line “Take her to the moon for me” is making it really dusty in here.
I loved young Poppy exclaiming “A bike!” just like “Dinner party!”
The main problem is that games are now $70 AND buggy as hell on launch. Why should people pay that much for a game that doesn’t work, when they can wait a couple of months and get it cheaper and in better working order?
is it “woke” to judge a game for being a buggy mess? I played it months after release when it was on sale and it was fine. Not worth $60 that’s for sure.
I started playing Soulstice. I originally thought it was going to be a Souls-like because of the name. I’m not good at them mostly and wrote it off. Then I read it was more like DMC, which I’m only slightly better at. Not too far in but the combat is good and fast paced. I’ll do a playthrough only, but there is…
This is more like a character dying in a cut scene, so neither one would work for some reason.
I love how they weren’t even filming at one point, but they would still fix it in post.
She clearly wasn’t in the right state of mind when she signed the contract. Case dismissed!
I was surprised by the amount of customization for your character regarding prosthetics. There are multiple options for prosthetic arms and legs, which isn’t something I remember seeing before.