

This wouldn’t happen if he played in Boston. But also, what if it did?

His wife is really hot in real life. They’ve been married since 04, so before he started making Paul Blart money.

For me it is, but only because it has a separate trophy list. I don't have much interest in replaying games, even ones I loved like Bioshock. But the extra trophy list is enough incentive for me to play it again.

Playing through the remastered Bioshock. It's been a while since I played it originally, and I'm enjoying all of the little bits of foreshadowing for the plot reveals.

Hopefully finishing up Divinity: Original Sin Enchanced Edition. It's one of the few games I've played completely with a guide, not just an occasional item or puzzle. I would have missed out on so much without it.

Funny that’s what I did during the trailer

Megan Mullally already played Madeline Kahn's role in the Young Frankenstein musical. So it would probably work here too.

I started Divinity Original Sin: Enhanced Edition earlier this week, but I’m not super far into it. I normally try not to play games with a guide, but I am with this one. I know there is so much that I would be missing otherwise. I wish there was a bit more combat early on so I could learn the system more.

Why am I dreaming of two brightly colored and radical young men?

But if he's the complete opposite in real life, then he's obsessed with black women. And thus can't possibly be racist.

So you're proactive, huh?

Jasper said that Rose "ruined" PD. I would imagine Homeworld not wanting everyone to know that PD was corrupted, so they told the lie that PD was shattered.
If Rose corrupted PD, but without the anger and hatred, maybe she turned PD into Lion?

Getting close to the end of Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir. Almost done with the 4th section. It is starting to get a bit repetitive, playing the same sections over and over. But at least each character plays differently to mix it up. It also helps that the game is gorgeous.

That would also explain why Mexico's ride now has the Three Caballeros in it.

You could say there's a little Uter in all of us.

Finishing up Revisionary by Jim C. Hines. It's the fourth book in a series about magician librarians who can pull items and magic out of books. As a librarian, it is the nerdiest wish fulfilling thing I've read.
After that I'll probably read Every Anxious Wave by Mo Daviau.

There is a Gyrados at the Staten Island side of the ferry now.

Working my way through Far Cry Primal. It's not as much fun as the fourth game was, but riding on a sabre-tooth tiger never gets old.