Far Cry Primal. It’s not as good as FC4, but there’s something about riding around on a sabre-tooth tiger that never gets old.
Far Cry Primal. It’s not as good as FC4, but there’s something about riding around on a sabre-tooth tiger that never gets old.
Billy Connolly
It's called a Tear Down, not Build Up.
What I love most about this show is the random humor. Next to offbeat it's my favorite kind of humor.
If you ask me, they never should have made the movie. Abu Dhabi? Abu don’t bother.
Francesa needs a really exciting sport to keep him awake.
It seems like they had to decide if they want dragons or direwolves budget-wise.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought Hodor's seizures came after he suffered a head injury. He had a large mark on the side of his head in the flashback before the warging.
Cleaning up some extra trophies in Uncharted 4 after finishing it last night. I was torn between wanting to finish it and not wanting it to end the whole time. I love how good Naughty Dog is at making their characters feel like real people.
I'm also going to start Far Harbor. I finished the main game a few weeks ago…
Ocarina of Time. I never finished it and just don't get the love affair people have for it. A Link to the Past is way better.
What would have happened if the ball went in after hitting Elie in the face?
There is one for beating the high score
I know nothing about cars, but this part of the story made me glad I read this.
Going to start Spider-man: Shattered Dimensions because I need something short to play until Uncharted 4 comes out.
I'll also check out the Nioh demo although I may regret it. I love the idea of these games, but I hate playing them after a while.
"Oh, that's raspberry!"
Maryland has an distinct flag that gets plastered everywhere
Jake the Snake is somehow still alive and is doing much better after working with DDP and his yoga system. Really cleaned his life up.
This is why I avoid a lot of DLC for games that I’ve already finished. I don’t want to relearn parts of the game for games like Witcher III and DA: Inquisition.