
When there’s trouble ya call DW!

I think that’s what its being released in Japan as :)

Anybody remember the unlicensed XXX knockoff of Super Fizz Crew? I can’t remember what it was called. Super...something...crew...

OMG I LOVED SUPER SUPER. I’m really excited about the remaster, Super Super Duper, coming out this year! Assuming of course, the Kickstarter reaches its 2.5 million stretch goal of an actual release.

I had the same thought. Can’t wait to see some gameplay from it.


I play a wide array of games. Everything from Firewatch to Titanfall 2, Gone Home and SOMA. What turns me off about Nier: Automata is that it seems to be trying so very hard to be edgy and “sexy” in an age where women are becoming more empowered and interesting characters.

No, I haven’t. I guess this facet of Japanese culture just doesn’t resonate with me. But seeing the outpouring of support of the game, and the passionate defense that some people have fielded, there must be something special about it. Just not my bag.

Different strokes I suppose. After spending nearly 200 hours playing as Geralt in The Witcher 3, playing as this protagonist just seems gimmicky to me. “Fan Service” makes no sense to me honestly. It’s an outdated portrayal of a female protagonist. Especially after Horizon Zero Dawn. I’m not going to condemn anyone

For all the praise of this game, I just can’t get past the ridiculous main characters. Who is chomping at the bit to play a sex robot? With a katana? And the main developer wears a mask all the time? I just...wtf Japan?

I see your point. I just happen to find the shortcomings kind of charming. Like alluded to earlier, I play the game as if I’ve found an unreleased classic Rare game. It is the product of a bygone development era.

I think you lay out some really good points and i think it kind of just comes down to subjectivity. I do understand some people’s frustration with it. Just in my case I kind of like the authenticity of the whole thing.

I understand your position, but innovation isn’t always a positive thing. I think the devs behind Yooka-Laylee got together to write a love letter to a bygone era of gaming, a final swan song for the games that many of us grew up with, and they’ve succeeded very well in that aspect. The goal of this game wasn’t to

I’ve played a fair bit of this now and I’m super happy with it, warts and all. They set out to make a NOSTALGIA game, an old school Rare game and they did just that. The “flaws” of the game are part of the fabric of the design choices from that bygone era. Criticizing it for not iterating and improving on the formulas

I read this piece every once in awhile and it always makes me laugh. WHEN ARE WE GOING TO GET A LUSTY EXCERPT FROM YOUR WITCHER 3 NOVEL?!

Vestments of the Shifting Sands anyone?

This seems lazy and performative to the point of being kinda cringe-worthy. The kid obviously cares, as evidenced by his other activities, but if I worked in admissions I’d much rather see a well thought out and thought provoking answer rather than a half-assed piece of performance “art”. I’m a grumpy old fart that

See, all the reviews I’ve seen on the game seem to frame it in a negative light for it’s adherence to old design ideas. This actually makes the game more interesting to me. Ya the old rare games weren’t perfect but i think that’s where some of the appeal lies. The bit about reaching the door only to realize you need

To quote the Orc from Wow...I love this more than a fat kid loves cake.

So they’re Reavers.