Get crackin’.
Get crackin’.
Ya this kinda comes across as you just looking for something to be upset about. Granted I wasn’t there, but by the information you’ve relayed, it seems like the guy was just saying “Don’t let concern about being polite stop you from stopping a potentially dangerous situation”. Maybe he could have said it better but it…
As everything is a philosophical game that asks its players to think and look inwards as well as at the connections that bind the universe together, I think it only appropriate the review take on a philosophical tone. He explains the game mechanics and experience very well and the game is meant to be a though…
Anyone who is spending actual real world money on emotes is an idiot. If you’ve got that kind of money to throw away, you really shouldn’t be bitching about emote prices.
What are the chances of this getting patched? I can’t recall a nintendo game ever getting patched to fix an issue.
Completely agree. Swords that are hard to earn should last either forever, or have some simple repair option. The durability in the game is a massive damper on what is otherwise a mastercrafted game. It’s almost like the developers said to themselves “hmmm...too fun...what can we do to diminish the player’s…
Just sayin, no hate, if I came across a pretty lady and her veil blew off to reveal a beard, I may have a moment of surprise too.
I’ll be honest, a lot of the cheesey jokes make me chuckle...but i’m a cheesey dad. Alligators with boots lol.
Racist and bigoted Christians aren’t really following the most important tenants of the Bible and of Christ’s life. It really sucks that such a gentle religion has constantly been bastardized and hijacked throughout history by insidious people seeking to inflict harm and judgement on other people.
There is so much that is bullshit about this administration, but all i’m positing is that in this instance, this guy has stumbled onto a good point. People far too often try and have it all, without taking care of the essentials first. As it stands in this country right now, healthcare costs a lot of money. Buy it…
you can teleport back to your base using the teleporters in each system’s space station :)
Thanks. I’m thinking of writing a sequel where I become the king of Madagascar and create a lemur army. Thoughts?
An open world action RPG set in the Medieval Warhammer universe? Yes please. Still miss Warhammer online :( KOTBS FTW
Except we have budgeted like responsible adults to make sure we have enough in an emergency savings fund to cover out of pocket maximums. Not to mention well thought out and robustly performing investments that we can call upon if need be for a cash infusion. We selected insurance that we know we can stand with.
Also, playing a female character doesn’t bar me from enjoying a great game. It just doesn’t give that game much staying power for me. I’ll play through it once, then not pick it up again. This usually relegates certain games to either a rental or a sale buy.
Really no idea why. Closest I can surmise is that when I play a game I try to project myself into the mindset of that character. In story heavy, character driven games I generally find it jarring to play as a female character. I have no hate for those that find no issue with it and think there should be way more…
This game looks so good. Very beautiful. I hate that I just can’t get into games where you play a female protaganist. I’ve tried it time and again and just can’t connect with them. That said I’ll definitely be picking this game up on sale someday if nothing else then just for the photo mode.
How many flat screens, video game consoles, and car payments would make up for healthcare? Because a lot of people I see complaining about healthcare costs have plenty of those luxuries.
I’m curious if the harassment was reported to school administration or not. Because if the school doesn’t know about it, not much can be done about it now can it? Back when I was in high school, i heard people saw all sorts of horrific shit to each other but no one ever told anybody because they were striving for…
Congrats, you corrected someone’s spelling on the internet. You can feel good about yourself today.