dark swan queen

Yes, we women must have menstruation man-splained to us! Are you sure you’re not Sean Lennon?

You mean to tell me that cramps, nausea, headaches and fatigue are normal?

It’s not about whether one is more legit than the other to tax.

That’s right. They would also withdraw from life outside the home to the extent that it was required to keep their menstruation a secret. This was one of the big reasons women were deemed unfit to work outside the home—they were expected to stay home at least five days every month. Unless they were poor, then you

My grandmas used strips of fabric left over from sewing clothes, and fashioned a sort of belt to wear under their clothes and then used that belt to hold more fabric that was a makeshift pad. They would wash them every day, dry them, and reuse them. This was in a village in a far away country. And back then, as in

For highlighting the importance of making feminine hygiene products (and baby diapers) affordable, i.e. tax free. Read the original post.

Jerry! JERRY! What’s in ya head?? Jeeeezus, man, we were pullin’ for you!

I really, really love your definition of Libertarians. Can I steal it? It’s perfect.

Literally a dick move.

Strange coincidence: I saw one of the designers (or maybe *the* designer) of the applicator for that tampon this weekend. He said that if you’re not a feminist after talking to as many women about their periods as was needed for the research for that product, there’s something wrong with you. He was on a panel at a

GTFO out of here with your common sense.

Jesus H Christ. Then raise the sales tax on Axe Body Spray for crying out loud! That’s a burden on society, male and female.

Wtf? I missed this story, my rage counter is just off the scale at the state of humankind. Wouldn't it be amazing if karma truly existed for these people? They try to set someone on fire: they set themselves alight, they go to beat someone up on the street: they get the ever-loving shit beaten out of them. Urgh, these


Uuuugh. Fuck that. Who thinks it is a good idea to combat a hate crime with a hate crime? For fucks sake, humanity!

Actually it’s about ethics in setting-people-on-fire journalism.

More political correctness run amuck. The SJWs are trying to curtail our First Amendment right to express ourselves by setting people on fire.

Trump, thy basket runneth over...

But remember everyone, calling this arsonist an “Islamaphobe” is the real deplorable thing to do.