dark swan queen

Flying the confederate flag is not an emergency, why is that even in there? Is it like some kind of shit cable bundle where you get one channel you’d actually watch and then a bunch of channels full of garbage? You get funding for Zika AND a symbol of racism. Yay.

Aw man, there goes my weekend plans.


Remember, kids: Midterm elections exist and they matter. Get out and vote this year, and then do it again in 2018.

Disgusting has gathered its things and left the building. What is taking its place has no name i know of.

Coffee Creek Correctional Facility

9:30 AM and I’ve already given up on humanity for the day. New personal record.

Why does it have to be a competition? Why can’t you accept that people get upset about things and not other things? Why does it matter why someone finds something offensive?

You are aware that men are fully functional human beings, aren’t you? We do in fact bleed when cut and we can be severly impacted by traumatizing events, I can assure you.

Your condescending “reading comprehension” comments aren’t relevant when you don’t make sense.

A couple of points:

Your strawman

“Cuz the only reasonable way to show male on male rape outside a prison scenario would be if the rapist was gay. Imagine the outrage in the LGBTQ community!”

And if rape is just like any other kind of violence, how come more male rape isn’t shown? How come if it is shown, the movie’s rating is automatically higher? Rape is always on the table for female characters (under 35, thin, attractive, that is) in a way that it is not for male characters.

FYI this Burn baby burn person lovvvvveeees to start shit so avooooid.

When it comes to violence against women by men though, that is still a taboo.

We are not talking about every possible act of violence against a male character that could be shown in a movie, while expecting female characters to never encounter any violence. Note that there is no complaint about any other kind of violence the woman in the movie experiences. This article is about this particular

Dude, WHY are you reading Jezebel if you are upset by articles about rape culture, misogyny, feminism, and notable women from pop culture?!?! That’s literally everything published on this site. I don’t go to gizmodo and complain that they are writing about tech.

Nope. The context is: heckling is always fucking obnoxious. No one cares what you, Joe Schmoe, has to say about the show. It’s not a conversation; it’s a performance. She’s not indignant that his comment is off color; she’s indignant that a troll is interrupting her show because NO ONE LIKES A HECKLER.

I don’t get your point. According to you, hecklers are an occupational hazard, and a good comedian shuts down hecklers. I don’t disagree with that premise. Schumer shuts down a heckler quite effectively, which according to you is part of her job, and yet you are criticizing her/upset at her/upset at this article?