dark swan queen

Maybe he wants to donate to provide yuge boobs to women with tiny ones.

Yeah, but then he’d have to actually figure out what women’s health issues are. And then he’d get grossed out.

He can respond with “billionaires” and lots of hand gestures.

I know that I'm probably overreacting to some of these comments. I'm just really sick of Millennials always being criticized for existing in a culture that we didn't create. (I'm 29 now, if that matters.)

I did have to take a government class. But current events aren't on the standardized tests, so...

And there's so much pressure (from the adults in your life) to focus on things that will look good on a college application. "I did some research before I voted" is not the kind of thing that goes on a college application. And when you're exhausted from doing all of the things that the school and your parents require,

I think there's a big difference between what you're describing and voting in a non-contentious midterm election, though. It isn't always as obvious that the people around you are wrong.

I have no idea why the boyfriend was a necessary part of this story. But when I was 18, I was busy trying to figure out college and all sorts of aspects of myself. All I knew was Democrats = good, Republicans = bad, thanks to the liberal area where I grew up and my parents. Maybe that all makes me a terrible person,

I don't see what their ages have to do with it.

Maybe the Universal version will be more like the original.

Elections end. Bad spelling is forever.

He TPs billionaires' houses, obviously.

Yet people give Trump a pass for bullshitting when bullshit is in no way called for.

No one's saying that we can't have an honest discussion. You bring up two actual examples of things that could be discussed rationally. The problem is when people decide they don't like her because she's too cold or calculating, shouts too much, wears all the wrong pant suits, etc.

I do wonder how they'd react if there was a male DNC chairperson or if Lange was a man. I'm curious how much of it is misogyny and how much is just plain old anger.

Sending death threats is, by definition, evil. If Bernie wins the nomination, I will vote for him. But some of his supporters are out of line.

I've seen some usually rational Sanders supporters claiming that there were no death threats. I mean, you can see them on Twitter.

Believe me, I'm mad at everyone about all of this and I'm all for having no guns at all. That doesn't change the fact that this particular man was particularly idiotic.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that they did this because her date(?) was a girl. The dress code was just the least obvious way to discriminate.

We have every right to be pissed off at that guy. He did EVERYTHING wrong.