dark swan queen

Here's the thing: I don't have a problem with the poor white population feeling disenfranchised and voting for whoever they want. I DO have a problem with Bernie supporters who claim to be progressive but then turn around and say that they'd vote for Trump over Hillary. If you are actually a liberal, progressive

Also, none of the candidates are proposing laws that will restrict the rights of poor white men. They might be a disadvantaged group, but they don't stand to lose as much as other groups.

If these movies are being true to the source material, I think that the source material needs to bear some of the blame. If there were more superheroes of color (and I don't mean green), there would be more roles for non-white actors in the big blockbusters.

Mammary is cutting it pretty close.

In other news, I had a delicious hard-boiled chicken deposit this morning.

And yet these same people are probably the ones claiming that the rights of a fetus trump the rights of the mother, because that makes sense.

As I recall, a real, actual, professional nurse diagnosed the kid and told them to take him to the hospital. So they can't pretend like they didn't understand.

And this is so much worse. In the drunk driving example, the parent made a single horrible decision while impaired. These parents made a series of horrible decisions over the course of several days and were completely lucid! They had every chance to realize that they'd made a mistake and take a different path, but

So why is he suing the school and not her specifically?

I was not paying attention. Didn't realize that the show closed and opened again.

I didn't realize this was a revival. In that case, go JHud, go!

Sadly you can't get a Tony for a role that you don't originate. She will have to star in a new musical or a new revival in order to get a nomination.

As I am neither, I suppose I'll have to stick to shopping online. Ted Cruz and friends won't come to my rescue if I take my promiscuous self outside.

And who knows what race our future alien overlords will prefer.

I find it especially weird that they don't throw in the usual mothers and sisters. They are only worried about women who directly "belong" to men.

Clearly, Target’s dangerous new policy poses a danger to wives and daughters.

What he meant to say is that "race relations are at their worst point in decades FOR ME, because people are suddenly holding me accountable for being racist and that's not fair."

Or test rape kits, or change statutes of limitation, or a gazillion other actually helpful things.

Poor baby had no choice :(

Do you guys have fun, though? Because having a super-lax fun seder is very different than having a mandatory no fun seder of confusion.