dark swan queen

Is there a vaccine for that?

I would be glad to tell her how much better my dog is than her children.

If he's anything like my similarly-aged grandpa, he probably went to bed around 8:30 and didn't have a chance to respond until morning. But jokes aside, he really should have said something at the rally (providing he heard what Song said) or shortly after. I'm just not quite sure why this article is upsetting so many

It is a terrible comment, but I think we need to keep in mind that Sanders himself didn't say it and that he did speak out against it. Maybe not quickly enough, but still. What kind of a response were you hoping Jezebel would have?


Yeah, does anyone know what the deal with that was?

My favorite state as a kid was pretty much always the one I had most recently gone on vacation to.

I'm also thinking about climate change and such. I feel for those parents, but why has believing that scientists are trying to trick us become such a big thing in general?

So maybe his intent wasn’t to rape her. Maybe his intent was to have sex with her and he assumed that she’d consent. That doesn’t change the fact that what he did was rape.

Were you there? Just because the word “stop” doesn’t appear in her letter doesn’t mean she didn’t say it.

And to all the people who are nitpicking based on what the girl “said”? You don’t know what exactly she said. You weren’t there. You are assuming that a) the girl remembers exactly what words she said, b) the girl did not omit a single detail in writing this letter, and c) the letter was not in any way edited before

I feel like this is even worse than those tweets last night. This girl is writing in to ask what she should do now, after the rape. Telling her what she should have done differently is not the least bit helpful.

Plus he was her only way to get home. Makes it extra scary, because she was trapped in a situation where she had to rely on him.

I don't get this mistrust of scientists. Why are people so convinced that they know better than them?

Older parents also are more likely to have issues with their reproductive cells, I believe. The risk of all sorts of genetic disorders increases as well.

Oh my god. Vaccines are why I'm gay, aren't they? I should have known.

Because "Big Pharma" or whatever. Big things are scary.

A better thing for him to do would be to donate towards actual autism research.

I think you can assume, for the most part, that you aren't going to end up dating someone else who has that particular girl's weird issues. The fact that you continued to respect her wishes, no matter how confused they were, shows that you're really sensitive to your partner's needs. I bet the next girl will

Especially when they're children!