dark swan queen

I don't want to blame Trump, but the timing makes me very uncomfortable.

Because the toddlers don’t have guns. Obviously.

But how many of those black males would end up being shot? I wouldn't risk it if I were them.

I wanted to throw up when I saw the headline about today's shooting. When is this going to stop?

I'd suggest a chastity belt. Give a trusted man the keys.

Everything Kasich said creeps me the hell out. The analysis everyone is doing just brings to light exactly how creepy it is. All the "conquered" and "defiled" business... Ugh.

Dancing? Revealing your ankles?

Safe sex is a thing. If the teens are educated and prepared, they can do their best to prevent STIs and pregnancy.

This gives me that creepy-crawly feeling all over.

It's super gross any way you read it.

I'm creating a uterine super PAC.

I started to type “millennial trend pieces” and ended up with “millennial trash pieces." I have nothing more to say.

I'm a lesbian on birth control, so I obviously agree with you. I just worry that, should idiots like Cruz ever understand that we use it for more than one reason, they will start treating medical reasons as "legitimate" and pregnancy prevention as "illegitimate."

I'm a lesbian and I'm on birth control!

The problem is totally that it doesn't end with a wedding. It ends with... premarital kissing! How dare they.

The coming out aspect was what made me fall in love with the movie. A woman is born "different" and told that she has to hide her difference from the rest of the world because they won't accept her. But then she learns that the people who really matter won't judge her and that it's okay to be who she wants. That's why

As a lesbian, I can confirm that Frozen is a major part of the imaginary lesbian agenda.

Plus the gym is 90 miles from your house and anti-exercise protestors are waiting outside.

I guess the technology that makes ultrasounds work is cool? Although they've been around for quite a while now. I don't know why Walker is getting so excited.

Even if a kid has two perfect, wonderful parents, he will still pick up on the prejudices that are engrained in our culture. Sexism is everywhere.