Yeah, that's exactly what I'd hoped a Pacific Rim video game would be like because I love those Gamecube games. Hell, I would have settled for a throwback King of Monsters style game even!
Yeah, that's exactly what I'd hoped a Pacific Rim video game would be like because I love those Gamecube games. Hell, I would have settled for a throwback King of Monsters style game even!
Well... yeah. That's what it would be, wouldn't it? Potential spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, just in case!
There's technically already a prequel: the Tales from Year Zero graphic novel. Definitely worth a read through as it sets up a good chunk of the movie's universe before the events of the film.
Well, don't forget it's also a homage to all the old Godzilla/Gamera type films, and those always had a pretty sizeable chunk dedicated to the human plot lines as well.
Holy crap, I just wrote a small diatribe on this over in the discussion about the jailed League of Legends player. Excellent timing, guys! This is definitely worth a read, and you have my thanks for posting it.
See, it all boils down to this: it is far easier for people to be reactive than proactive. A kid makes a tasteless and stupid joke, and people react to that by shutting him down, tossing him in jail, and dealing with him like he's bombed a building, when the proactive thing to do would be to put a system in place…
Here's the real kicker to all of this: he's already been detained for five months, right?
Well, thanks for making my point for me. Perhaps I should report your threatening language to the authorities so you can figure out what jail time looks like.
Remember back in the good old days, like a few years ago, when society had built in mechanisms for dealing with people who say stupid shit? Boogie mentioned what happened to Paula Dean, and that's the way it should be. If you publicly say stupid shit, then society is more than capable of making you realize that what…
If you can't figure out that jailing someone for 8-10 years, at the expense of the state and taxpayers, for such a stupid comment is pretty much the epitome of idiocy, you really need to check your head. People who actually break the law, and commit crimes with actual victims, serve less time than that, and often get…
"Hey, do you happen to know where Bay's filming the new Transformers movie? I think I might have taken a wrong turn at the Hobbit set!"
Ryu is unimpressed.
And obviously he was more of a E.Honda kind of guy, because a real man would have used Dragon Punch. Part of me is kind of hoping he yelled, "You must defeat Shen Long to stand a chance!" before he smacked the guy.
I can see how that fight would start.
I thought of this:
I kind of agree. Even if other shooters didn't interest me more (Destiny, The Division), I'm still not sure I'd be in to Titanfall because of just how much it reminds me of already existing and pretty good games. The mech combat reminds me completely of Hawken, which I already play and enjoy. The infantry combat,…
That pretty much sums up 90% of GI Joe vehicles. It's like their entire design rationale consisted of "add more missiles!" or "expose the driver to as much potential gunfire as possible!". For every Skystriker or Rattler, there was a dozen Pogos or Trouble Bubbles. Still, gotta love them just for how batshit crazy…
I can tell you who my favorite GI Joe isn't: goddamn Shipwreck! That sailor jerkwad was in the ONE episode of the cartoon that the local station felt the need to CONSTANTLY replay... the one where he has amnesia. My god, it was like the didn't know there was other episodes because they showed that damned thing every…
Words cannot truly express how disappointed I was that The Rock didn't rhyme all his lines in GI Joe: Retaliation. I cannot help but think that the world missed out on something truly amazing there.
I was always more partial to his Arashikage brother Storm Shadow. I think it was mostly because I kept thinking you had to be an absolute badass to be a ninja wearing a white outfit. Plus: he was pretty kickass in the comic book.