
I had no idea this was essentially remakes of the red and blue on Game Boy. I thought it was a take on the Pokémon Go Mobile game (since I had seen the poke ball for sale as well). That Pokémon Blue was my childhood, I need this nostalgia in my life. Thank you for pointing that out.

I had no idea this was essentially remakes of the red and blue on Game Boy. I thought it was a take on the Pokémon

There have been MFi controllers available for the iPhone, iPad, Apple TV for years. Some of the early ones were missing L3/R3 functionality, but the more recent iOS updates have added this to MFi specs. I personally have a Rotor Riot branded controller that has all button functionality, including L3 and R3 on the

But the Switch already had its 2 year anniversary. By the time this comes out it’ll be well over 2.5 years, going on 3. I guess people could have skipped the Switch and wait ~3 years to get the second gen.

For those that want native L3/R3 functionality, check out the Rotor Riot controller for iOS (they also make an android version).

For those that want native L3/R3 functionality, check out the Rotor Riot controller for iOS (they also make an

I get that this is supposed to be humorous, but to not give games a fair shot is a problem that many games can suffer unfairly from. I’m sure people could list off so many games that require getting over a hump in the beginning to truly enjoy it. But I suppose hating on a popular game is cool, and gets clicks.

make sure that you are buying it as sold and shipped by amazon. third party sellers can list on the page as well, and the reviews, unfortunately, all go under the same listing. it is likely that third party sellers tried to sell theirs as authentic when the real ones were out of stock from amazon.

make sure that you are buying it as sold and shipped by amazon. third party sellers can list on the page as well,

make sure that you are buying it as sold and shipped by amazon. third party sellers can list on the page as well, and the reviews, unfortunately, all go under the same listing. it is likely that third party sellers tried to sell theirs as authentic when the real ones were out of stock from amazon.

make sure that you are buying it as sold and shipped by amazon. third party sellers can list on the page as well,

If you are going month by month, you can still do this since signing up for a year is considered an upgrade.

If you are going month by month, you can still do this since signing up for a year is considered an upgrade.

No, the article has a decent section and opinion on this.

I’ve never really played RPG’s (or JRPG’s), but the Switch is making me branch out of my comfort zone, and this game looks like a fun time. Is this still a game for someone like me to get, despite being unable to follow Jason’s first tip of ‘Remember all of your basic JRPG habits” due to inexperience?


I truly appreciate you linking me to that article and I read it in its entirety. I am going to search for additional sources to see the extent that it was going on in the administration. In the video that I linked, he did admit to separating children in unique circumstances only (be it health issues, violence issues

The current president is the first to enact a zero tolerance policy of separating children from their families, and putting them into cages. This did not go on during the Obama, or Bush, or Clinton administrations. This is a fact.

The current president is the first to enact a zero tolerance policy of separating children from their families, and putting them into cages. This did not go on during the Obama, or Bush, or Clinton administrations. This is a fact.

Hey friend, I completely understand the feeling that for you, anything on CNN is void, as someone who is on the other side would want to void the opiniated programming on Fox News. But I purposefully linked a video recorded interview directly quoting and addressing the very question of if this practice happened during

That’s the thing though, it is not misinformation. It is a video quote directly from the former head official at the department of homeland security who specifically contradicted that it hasn’t been going on for a decade. It can’t be any more clear. The law, like many laws, are written that gives leeway on how heavily

The current president is the first to enact a zero tolerance policy of separating children from their families, and putting them into cages. This did not go on during the Obama, or Bush, or Clinton administrations. This is a fact.

The current president is the first to enact a zero tolerance policy of separating children from their families, and putting them into cages. This did not go on during the Obama, or Bush, or Clinton administrations. This is a fact.

The current president is the first to enact a zero tolerance policy of separating children from their families, and putting them into cages. This did not go on during the Obama, or Bush, or Clinton administrations. This is a fact.

The current president is the first to enact a zero tolerance policy of separating children from their families, and putting them into cages. This did not go on during the Obama, or Bush, or Clinton administrations. This is a fact.