
Excited link to a dev post on a forum regarding huge improvements coming in an update tomorrow. Hyperlink is a Rick Roll.

This is really great and I appreciate the paragraphs after the data to put it into perspective. I’m currently on a 980ti playing on 1440p, and I have been torn between just going for a 1080ti, or saving a few hundred bucks with a 1080 since the msrp dropped on those.

Since the issue is that the screen is made of plastic and therefore susceptible to scratching... couldn’t this sleeve attract dust and other debris which could eventually scratch the screen with repeated contact? Seems that a screen protector is the better option since those can be replaced, if necessary.

When you see those differences in prices, call up that third-party publisher and ask them. Tell them Reggie sent ya!

Yes, but a physical copy of this game keeps selling out at different retailers. So this was more of a heads up about stock.

Yes, but a physical copy of this game keeps selling out at different retailers. So this was more of a heads up about

In this day and age, can I put anything at all 4 feet away from any wireless device? Impossible.

Hey GameStop, even though this article is about Amazon, you aren’t off the hook. You guys are screwing this up too, and I’ve got a reddit thread of a bunch of us whining about it.

They emailed me two weeks ago to confirm my preorder and to let me know I would receive my shipping confirmation on March 2. They then

If I can get 5 likes, that would be AMAZING.

I am down for kinky stuff if it means finally getting a Dragonite. PM me people, plz.

With Reggie having sworn off friends codes, and with Nintendo requiring a unique user name (I tried one but it was already taken it said, so I had to think of another), it seems that they were supposed to go the user name route, but somewhere someone messed up and forgot to tell the programmers.

18 games PER DAY?! What the shit.

The 5-7 year cycle thing is over. Sure, you can keep the PS4, but as more titles come out with better optimization, people will want to go with the Pro. And we’re going to see it beginning with Scorpio. This is going to turn into an upgrade it every 2 year thing. Just like phones. Just like many PCs. They’d be dumb

I feel the same way. I have a PC, an Xbox One, and a PS4. My consoles are for exclusives only. I’d like to see a list of the best exclusive games. PS4 has quite a bit. Xbox One not so much, and really probably no more ever again with their ‘Play Anywhere’ titles.

I once saw a guy twist a PlayStation controller in his hands, attempting to break it. It didn’t break. He stood up from his office chair. It looked like he was going to cool off. He turns around, picks up the chair, and slams it into the ground! That chair broke in half! Everyone around just gave him his space, didn’t

I figured it was more that the Vita came out in 2001. So in the 5-6 years since then, I would hope that we have become more environmentally conscious and friendly since then. It may not be true, but I would hope so at least.

Shh, it’s OK. Let people enjoy things.

I was able to grab this from Walmart at $30 for PC. I would keep an eye on it, as it is back to the regular price again.

I was able to grab this from Walmart at $30 for PC. I would keep an eye on it, as it is back to the regular price

That and it can’t play 4k discs, which a PS4k name might suggest.


My CP 10 Magikarp is incredible. My gym leader says so.