
Amen, brother.

What in the hell. If that’s what CGI can do nowadays I’m scared. I could be filmed walking down the street and suddenly with some editing I’m slapping a passerby in a ballerina outfit and take off on a donkey.

Yep, exactly this! The one where starting a new match costs you a point essentially makes it so that you have to win 4 in a row. A nearly impossible task with this match making.. The only way to remedy this and have a chance is to have a full fireteam of friends on a team.

The increase of RAM from 1gb to 2gb is supposed to be significant in that it allows for more tabs to be open in Safari (and more apps suspended in the background) before having to reload. I have an iPhone 6 and I can’t seem to have more than a couple or few tabs open before it’s always having to reload even if I

What the hell do they stick to? Do they go anywhere or just in a sticker folder to view? And why does sack boy look so mean and scary?

It's not just Spotify with that price. Apple Music also offers membership for $15/mo for up to 6 as well. That’s what I am using since we all have iPhones and there’s an Apple TV in the living room.

Could anyone please offer advice on a GoPro purchase? Basically I am purchasing one as a wedding gift for my sister for their Hawaii honeymoon. They plan to kayak and maybe do some snorkeling. I planned to get the $300 GoPro with LCD from Amazon. Now I see this one is on sale for $300, and a free gift card. The LCD

Could anyone please offer advice on a GoPro purchase? Basically I am purchasing one as a wedding gift for my sister

Just wanted to say (for the 10th time?) that you should definitely listen to Undisclosed. I had my doubts, going back and forth between he did it or didn’t during Serial (and I think part of their genius to keeping us hooked was making us go back and forth). But after listening to Undisclosed, I don’t think he did it,

Pick a day to just dedicate and power through to 40. I know, I’m not one to sit and play all day myself, but worth it. Because once you get to that, you’ll get a lot more enjoyment even playing just an hour at a time. That’s because now whatever you like to do, strikes, online multiplayer, etc., will have a chance to

If you were to look at my gaming the past couple of years, I’ll spend 10-40 hours on any particular game before stopping or selling it. Over the past few months though, I’ve got over 200 hours in Destiny. Most fun I’ve had with a game in a long, long time. And with the changes made, it's a good time to jump in. Feels

Extra bonus for that MacBook deal at Best Buy: Starting yesterday with iOS 9 (must have iOS 9), any purchases made with Apple Pay using a Discover card gives 10% cash back (up to $10,000 in purchases). And while Best Buy isn’t an official Apple Pay partner yet, it’s only because not all stores have rolled out the

Extra bonus for that MacBook deal at Best Buy: Starting yesterday with iOS 9 (must have iOS 9), any purchases made

Who knows what the future holds.. Sony threw a bunch of money at Call of Duty this year and now ps4 gets map packs first. Never saw that coming! And as a playstation destiny player I’ll be pissed if Microsoft does this, haha.

Aw man, why didn’t I think of doing this first.

I was just eating a bag of kettle brand salt and vinegar chips and was thinking why can’t more things be like this? Can't wait to try this.

Just thought to let you know that after I completed one gun, I did the nightfall strike, and then did the other 4 guns. Just completed it. 1498/1500 for rank 1! That’s so messed up. Lmao.

Some of these just look soo bizarre to my brain. Pikachu running around in a classic Mario level?! Then seeing Sonic.. couldn’t help but laugh!

Ah I finished one gun just to try it out, and haven’t done nightfall. If I do nightfall next, then the rest of the guns, is it too little too late? Maybe I can do it nightfall first an alternate character, and share that gun.

I know it’s cool to say Destiny is dead or that you gave up playing it after a few weeks and are glad you never went back, but damn this game is so much fun to me. I’ve had a lot of fun and haven’t played a game so much in a long time.

Just my opinion, but if you decide to dive in, get the Taken King physical edition (base game+ both year 1 expansions + the new taken King expansion). I say this because what you can do with just the vanilla disc will be very limited, and you’ll end up having to pay more just for the extra content.

I was really pulling for Bungie to hire Gilbert Gottfried.