
The headline made me think that this was going to be about a Google driver-less car.

Damn it Microsoft, let me play 3D blurays already!! :(

I bought my Xbox One directly from Microsoft, release day delivery. How excited I was in the months leading up to it.

I am so close to dumping my One for a ps4. If the ps4 gets 3D bluray before One, that is probably the final straw for me. And I'll be able to ask for a refund of my xbox live.

Too funny. I would immediately blame Google, and never use Chrome browser or any Google services again.

There had to be one person who googled pregnancy tests and terms cuz they weren't sure, then got this email... They must have yelled out, damn you Chromebook and your data mining!

Hmm, I stacked a few Live cards during a $30/year sale. My Live is good through Oct 2016. I wonder if I can get refunded? I'll swear all I used it for was Netflix!

Gee, you're right! Think of the time I could save.. I imagine it might be almost as much time spent by Internet trolls who reply unhelpfully and negatively to on-topic video game posts on blogs. Think of all the things that can be done or created during wasted replies to comments.

I can appreciate this reply, thank you for the refreshing perspective. You are right on both of those, hard to argue with that. The drm still had many questions yet to be answered (another that comes to mind was a final answer on the re-selling of games/used games). As for kinect, it is too bad that after so many

You've interpreted opposite, buddy. The author wishes Microsoft would have stuck to their guns. Their original unveiling of what the Xbox One is so different than what we have now, thank to all of the knee jerk reaction and backtracking.

Ugh, I want to trade my Xbox One for a PS4, without the hassle of re-selling, and eating the cost of my prepaid xbox live.

I agree with your post 100% and hope others read it as well. I feel like I have been duped as an early adopter. The kinect cam is no longer an accessory that game developers can focus on because everyone has one, and will now be an after thought. That is a real shame and really just making early adopters feel like

Wow, didn't think this day would come. Truly thought the whole point of including it was so that game publishers could take advantage of this accessory everyone has. Now it's just going to be an after thought and used as sparingly as it was on the Xbox 360.

Cool, now when can I play 3D bluray discs??

I haven't seen many in SF, but I've seen a lot in the San Jose area.

For the love of all things holy, when is 3D support coming to the bluray player? I got rid of my ps3 (fully capable of 3d playback) in order to buy into the xbox one being my ONE entertainment box.

thanks, that's helpful. I'll pick up a pro controller.

thanks for the reply!

I'm about to buy a Wii U and I'm a little confused about the controllers to buy.

I understand the Wii U comes with one controller (with the screen on it). What additional controllers should I be buying to ensure good experiences for 4-player multiplayer going forward? It seems to be compatible with a dizzying amount

Thanks. The calendar tweak is one I'll be getting right away. The others I can probably do without for now.