
Less shrinkage would mean less fat was lost while cooking. So you should have slightly more mass.
I will try this, but now I'm having a hard time thinking why running bacon under cold water would prevent the same amount of fat from cooking off.


"That's skull logo has never been more appropriate." I lol'd.

Nice media remote but, Why can't I play my 3d blu rays still? It's almost march! Microsoft promised it would be able to, and I am an idiot for selling my primary bluray player since I bought into the whole idea of an xbox one, "one" box for my entertainment needs.
I don't care if 3d is dead or not, Microsoft said they

I own and love my xbox one. However, when I read your comment "why not one more time", all I could think about was a future xbox commercial offering a kinect-less xbox one with the song One More Time by Daft Punk in the background. That's funny to me.

"And don't forget that, along with Kinect's voice and gesture input, Smartglass and gamepad options for steering media playback on the console already exist."

Damn, that's too bad.

Can't get the promo code to apply. Did it work for you?

I haven't even watched wrestling in over a decade, but this makes me want to get back into it. Damn.

Tivo already does this too now (they were late to the party, but you can stream live TV and recorded shows, anywhere). The difference here is no need for a decent upload speed at home.

The tivo roamio they reference can already stream to any device, in or outside the home, from your DVR. Considering the tivo is always on (there is no off option) and always connected to the Internet, I don't see the need.

So are there tips of where to find any that are safe for drinking?

I want to use it to make one large mixed alcoholic drink and then use it to split it into two glasses. Novelty, sure, but I still want it. :)

I don't care how little thought is put into or how last minute a gift of Amazon Prime is. I'd be so happy :)

Another last minute gift idea:

Thanks for confirming that mywi and my3g works, those are really the only apps I am interested in.
I am an AT&T subscriber at $30/mo for unlimited data. If I want to tether, I need to drop unlimited for something like a $30 for 3gb plan plus pay an extra $20/mo for the right to tether that 3gb. That's some bs right

I like your tip about putting 1/2 away and paying myself an allowance again after 2 weeks. I can't tell you how many times I gave myself a sizable allowance for the month, but it's gone after a week lol.

My apologies that my opinion and financial situation may somehow be different than yours.

Hmm when u put it that way, an extra $100 a month every month sounds tough.
You're absolutely right with that of course. I was just thinking the last couple months will be hard, at around $200/mo

Lol "do no evil" indeed...