
Don't know why, but train simulator 2014 intrigues me on name alone. Never seen it played or how it works but I feel the need to check it out.

shut up and give them your money!!!

I think I am going to tip my UPS delivery driver. He delivers 80% of the packages to my condo building, and I'm way in the back, probably the furthest condo to get to in our complex, like walking half a block from the main gate.
And I keep ordering things from amazon etc. to the point that I feel bad for him coming up

Hmm I'm looking for a good fiction book.. Don't know if I am in the right place.

I came here to say the same thing. I kept scrolling for fiction.

This will make for some crazy google maps street view in the future, where no man has gone before..

Per their shipping terms and talk on other forums, they do not do release day delivery. I read one post that said they waited nearly a week and got fed up and went to target. They ended up returning the games to toys r us.
They'll use ground shipping or even worse pass off to USPS.
Even worse, games on toys r us don't

Yep, it's unfortunate when big companies use Kickstarter as a form of guaranteeing pre-orders. I don't like it.

LOL when I read your first comment, my thought was "oh man this just went emo and weird".

This is the kind of game I don't mind buying for my iPhone, but would love the universal app to also include an Apple TV app! So that it runs natively on my TV. It would also keep me from buying an Xbox Live Arcade version or whatever, when they also have retro games in their store.
I know I can airplay, but there is

I do also have whiskey stones for stuff that I (in my own humble opinion) shouldn't get dilution, like a nice single malt scotch on its own.
But sometimes I'll go for a little dilution in mixed drinks. I once sat at a bar with an old bartender and he talked to me about how a little dilution is good, because the drinks

Need link, price, please.

I left a comment for a different, large ice cube tray, not spherical. These intrigue me though because of their shape.

Tovolo King Cube Ice Trays
I never realized how much of a difference the ice can make, and I'm sure I learned it from past articles on Giz. Keep your cocktail cold with a large ice cube, without it diluting too quickly. It really completes the experience of making a cocktail at home.
$9 at Amazon (6 cube tray) - http://w

I haven't been this confused since the game "Street fighter the movie" on PS1/Saturn, which was a game based on the street fighter movie, which was based on the street fighter game.

Google TV, Chromecast, Nexus TV, let's throw everything at the wall and see what sticks!

I jam half of one underneath the living room couch to cover the gap between it and the floor. My dog can be a jerk (love her), she always has to push all of her balls and other toys under the couch, and then stare at me until I grab them all for her. She will do this over and over and never tire. Essentially, she is

Around here for me, comcast cable is really the only option. And it comes down to 1) Pay for 25 mbps cable only from them for $70/mo (their regular rate), or sign up for some tv package with too many channels, including hbo, and a blast upgrade to their 50mbps internet for $100/mo. The $100 is not the regular rate,

My dog loves these things too! First she she got a hold of one she acted like she won the lottery/wasn't sure if she was allowed such greatness. She ran off the couch a safe distance from us to enjoy her treat!

That's really great, and now on my list. I have a similar toy that's a round plastic ball with a similar opening to dispense food/treats. But since it's perfectly round, it gets pushed around everywhere like a normal ball. That's fine most of the time. This will be great the rest of the time.