
Awesome video review, glad it was included with the article.

Hopefully sooner than later. We're all just waiting and waiting for different things. It feels like these early adopter pains are worse than normal.

My gf and other non-gaming friends will be pleased that You Don't Know Jack is coming. They all loved that game on 360 and it was a good time. Here's hoping they're new episodes.

"Funny, now that I'm not hurting from debt I don't feel like spending money on things."
Exactly how I feel! I don't think I've turned into a complete cheapskate, but I just don't spend money as freely as I did.
For example, it was too easy to go to Starbucks every single day, or buy my lunch more often than not.

It's "Xbox turn off", then "yes". For future reference. :)

No snapping Skype? Really? I swear I just saw an Xbox TV commercial on Sunday showing two football players doing that on their TVs. Hmm. Haven't tried it myself.

Agreed. I sold my ps3 assuming 3d movie playback. Now I don't know if I should wait or buy a dedicated bluray player.

My top two off the top of my head:
1) the bluray player doesn't play 3d blurays! Come on. I feel like an idiot selling my ps3 now since I'll have to buy a dedicated bluray player.

"Instead of tossing out those bags of Doritos with the powder in the bottom..."

That's frustrating! Here I was all excited too, and it looks like the deal was mispriced anyway.

Really? What a downer. Haven't had a chance to check yet. That's too bad.

Ohh that Phoenix Wright on iOS is tempting. Reviews seem favorable too. It was one of my favorite Nintendo DS games when it first came out.

What the hell, i just realized what a ripoff it was to buy the $60 normal version. The $80 limited comes with so much more - notably after all this mea culpa stuff.

I hadn't seen instructions on the hand gestures yet, so this is nice to have. The new hand gestures threw me off with how different it was from the previous generation, but I was able to learn a couple of these from trial and error.
It's good to know that I can say "Xbox, Help" for a tutorial.

Damn, even with the beta mode checked off, still only stereo.

Can I get an amazon price match tho??

This cat video single handedly made me question my choice of Xbox one over a ps4. So jealous.

The article didn't sum it up well. It assumed all $1 bil was on trial, when it was not.

There's some misinterpretation here. All $1 billion wasn't at stake.

I just found out Xbox one isn't compatible with 3D bluray movie playback.
Laugh all you want, yes it may not be the future, but there are plenty of 3d movies being sold and coming in theaters.
I sold my ps3, which was my only bluray player, in anticipation of this Xbox One being my "one entertainment box".
Now I'm upset