
I played GT1 at senior week in ‘98 and promptly bought the game when I got home.

The average new car price is ~$40k so....

Al Franken comes to mind.

That’s the dealership that did briefly sell these to the public:

I loved my Mazda until the rust became a problem at 7 years old. I’ve heard they are better now than the 2000's though.

I had one of these almost run me off the road, dude said he honestly didn’t see me directly next to him.

It’s essentially a Dodge Neon. If you’ve owned one before you would understand.

8 year old me didn’t realize that was Cheech when I saw it in the theater.

Really more ice than snow. Usually only get a couple of inches that melt and refreeze which freaks people with all seasons out.


Having a private bathroom 5 steps away is awesome. I was lucky enough to get approval for 4 days at home 1 day at the office. They may change their minds in a few years and bring everyone back but in the meantime I am taking advantage.

I agree, the pro-trump rallies you (apparently) coordinated were destructive to the American public.

That Spec B is the same trans and engine as your WRX. You want the 08-09 with the STI 6MT.

I still haven’t watched the one with the Lykan. They should have stopped with the first, although I kind of enjoyed the Sling Blade one because Japan.

There’s someone on the western edge of district 7 that still has a big Kim sign in their yard .

Get a Planet Fitness membership for shower facilities.

They had the commercials running on DC101 this past week, was wondering what the catch was.

NP if you can demod the lambo doors.

Conversely, I-70 on the east end had hundreds of black homes demolished in Baltimore and then the project was halted (for other reasons) so 70 ends at the beltway instead of going into the city.