
You’re correct, I was thinking it came in 99. Agree about the later engines, easy to keep them going as long as you keep the fluids topped off.

Hard to tell from the pic but it looks like the damage extends past the rear pass door. I am not skilled at body work so might be a deal for someone else but in my area the first place rust shows up is around the rear fenders.

Turbo appeared on the 4th gen Legacy/3rd gen Outback.

Already gone? Link is dead.

What’s your beef with Earth Day? I thought Libertarians like outdoor activities?

And offering gift cards for positive reviews

They bundle it if you buy multiples. I bought the jeep and the box truck and it was $8.** shipping total.

I called to schedule my septic tank cleaning yesterday and had the receptionist launch into a wacko diatribe about how her nurse friend said she shouldn’t take flu shots or any vaccine that the “Deep State” provides.

When I bought a new car in 2011 I read through the contract (to the disgust of the money guy) and saw that it was illegal in MD for dealers to affix their branding to the body of the car (license plate frames are okay). Even with it being illegal, some dealers still do it.

We’re a third world banana republic now.

In hindsight, Joe probably shouldn’t have hired Jeff Lowe. They (Jeff and co) needed a fall guy.

Aren’t they (as of last week) trying to kick a lot of people off food stamps?

Still my second favorite of the series (can’t help liking the original).

Really going to miss your articles and entertaining videos, bummed to see this news today. Good luck with your next endeavor!

Sew serry my punkuation isnt upp to yourr standerds.

My SIL is planning to get a Model Y at some point. I keep telling my brother I want her garaged since new 2010 Highlander with 80k when she does.

Buckaroo Bonzai

Kinda reminds me of another Ford pickup:

Agree on all accounts. Appreciate the daily distraction, and even though I avoid used BMWs this thing is so cool.

I’m impressed the car phone antenna is still attached.