
230 HP because of the smaller turbo. Bump it up to a VF39 from a 09-14 WRX and it’s faster than the new one (assuming an engine refresh).

They don’t

I was working for a fiber optic company around this time and things were going well. Flash forward to 2002 (post dot-com bust) and they were laying off hundreds in batches (myself included).

Agree, I never knew it was an option. NP for that and the fact you can take off the decals.

‘90 Fastback SE for me, loved that car. Sold it 6 months before F and F came out when it was worth nothing :(

On a related note, I am happy to see the erebunicorp website is still up. Spent a lot of time drooling over bodykits there in the late 90s.

Hell, just put the STI 6MT in there and I will sell 2 of my subies to buy it.

TIL 4 hp and 30 torque = “Trumping”

I forgot about that, thanks for pointing that out!

I saw that when I was 4 and it scarred me for years. My Dad had a wierd sense of humor.

More likely in Canada, I believe the last Outback with 6MT in the states was 2014.

Now playing

Excellent show. The interactions between Phil Hartman and Khandi Alexander were great:

Yeah, but that Maxima (I assume) is stock. And also not turbo.

And that’s another reason why this is CP. Worth about $4k to insurance.

I have the same problem with my Legacy wagon.

Looks right out of Sport Truck magazine circa 1991

They had just put it on there a month ago. Same with Shaun of the Dead I think.

Embarrassed to be the same age.

That IS my mortgage payment

Boxerfest too