
Interesting, I signed up last month and have seen 6 movies so far. Have not been asked for a ticket stub (yet).

Agree, V10 convertible stick BMW sounds like a nightmare but I can’t look away. Other than an Aston can you get this combo anywhere else? And I’d consider BMW the lesser of two evils when it comes to out of warranty maintenance.

People often complain about the car prices of today vs. the car prices of yesteryear, but amazingly I paid exactly the same amount ($16,700) for my 2017 Jetta SE as I did for my 1997 Civic EX Coupe twenty years prior. And the Jetta is a far superior car in every way.

Me too, loving it so far.

I signed up last month when it was $6.95 a month. So far I have seen 6 movies at a combined ticket price of $63. Really hope it doesn’t go away with all the movies coming out this year.

US average is ~12k a year. My commute is about 50 miles a day round trip, so just driving between home and work that’s 19k a year. Then add in shopping, beach trips, etc. I typically hit 30k miles a year combined. That’s where having multiple cars come in handy so you can disperse the mileage.

Good report. I’m a year behind you but didn’t get my license until ‘97 (parents found out I was borrowing the extra car during the summer while they were at work). On the plus side, I was really good at manual when I went to take my test. I just bought my first automatic in 20+ years, still going to keep a weekend MT

Maybe she was using his placard?

“Good” and “McDonalds” is not a phrase I would use.

“Are you allright? Are you sure? Cause you just went through a wall.”

Now playing

Not sure why, but I love this opening (and the movie):

FYI, there is a 22B replica on sale in TX right now:

In this case, I’m glad I didn’t throw out the IV and TBOGT/TLAD discs.

No, that actually happened. It doesn’t seem like they acknowledge it in the second season though.

My second gen Outback has a “secret” drawer there, I found $60 in cash when I bought it (I believe it had been there for 10 years, the second owner never knew about it).

Had something just like this a few weeks ago. Doing 55 in the right lane on a two lane highway, suddenly someone in the left lane doing around 20 turns right and drives straight in front of me to get on the turn lane they just missed.

STI still has hydraulic (WRX switched to electronic in 2015).

The IT crowd? It’s excellent (one of my repetitive go-tos on Netflix). Just don’t try to watch the couple episodes of the US version.

42k miles and needed a valve cover gasket? Yikes