“Whatever that means in theory, in practice it looks somewhat similar to what Nintendo’s Donkey Kong Country Returns tried to pull off, mixing the principles of a 2D platformer with the look and feel of a 3D environment that has depth and range.”
“Whatever that means in theory, in practice it looks somewhat similar to what Nintendo’s Donkey Kong Country Returns tried to pull off, mixing the principles of a 2D platformer with the look and feel of a 3D environment that has depth and range.”
Hey, I am the CEO. No joke, used to be called Handl :) Our old domain used to be handl.it which redirects to handle.com now
“That’s been around forever. If you keep reporting on it, it’s going to grow like a cancer,” Paula said. “If you forget about it, it’s probably going to go away. The media has to hop on everything and it’s wrong.”
Ah, here is a perfect example of how white supremacy can be upheld by people who aren’t even white. There always has to be a handful of POC who are more racist against people who look just like them than are actual white people, and will treat non-whites as brutally, heartlessly, and violently as possible. They are…
Look at this comment
I will admit I felt burned by the day 1 purchase, but I knew that work would continue and am glad to see such an enormous update come so quickly. This is a huge expansion mere months after release, meaning this was in the pipeline before their initial release, just not ready in time. Keep up the good work guys!
George Takei recently shared a spin on “They came first for the Communists” that I find fitting. It went something like:
Im a bigger fan personally of how the fans have made her D.Va’s rival and Widow Maker, Reaper, and Sombra are now the evil family version of Mercy, 76, and D.Va.
i feel like i really want to explore this game world, but i’m not confident the game itself will actually be fun.
Pointing out his racist ass comments is important, but you didn’t mention his actual racist action. While a US Attorney in the 80s, Sessions prosecuted black civil rights activists for violations of the Voting Rights Act for mailing ballots on behalf of elderly voters. They were, thankfully, found not guilty. But…
Exactly. Being mad doesn’t excuse using a racial epithet. The people who “only” say these words when angry are thinking them in their head all of the time. There’s no way a word like that “accidentally” leaves a person’s mouth.
Regardless of income, whiteness is the most important factor. I really don’t care about the income angle, but I won’t let white people try to lay this at the feet of poor, backwoods white people only. It was white people at every level—rich, poor, educated, uneducated, religious, not religious, women, and men.
And you see what’s happening? The problem is that everyone else “didn’t listen” to these poor, unsuccessful white people, and that the rest of us are being “divisive” and calling them the worst possible slur you can call a white person: racist! So as we keep talking about it and talking about it, even supposedly…
But that is when they thought America was great.
I kinda think the same thing happens with the older generations and racism. Like my friend’s folks. They’ve said directly that black people come from a different “culture”
I’ll still always find it interesting the effects the 3/5 Compromise continue to have. Hell, if the slaveholders had their way, slaves would’ve always counted as a full person!*
Lolol we’re all doomed.
I think as well, not voting at all was convenient cover for supporting things they don’t want to admit to. It has shocked and appalled me the number of men I thought were progressive who have come out of the woodwork to declare that liberals need to scale back their investment in minority and women’s rights. We…