
If their values are centered on racism, white supremacy, bigotry, and homophobia I couldn’t care less how undervalued they feel. I’m not going to try to empathize with my oppressors and it’s disgusting for people to be suggesting this is what I need to do.

I was gonna say that Pence looks pretty fucking happy.

Counterpoint: BOOP

All I’m sayin’ yo.

Darin de Paul is like the sweetest man ever. I’ve never met a VA more passionate about what he does and the characters he creates. When I cosplayed Garrosh at BlizzCon ‘14, he came over to me with the most adorably excited, fanboyish glee ever. I had no idea who he was until he told me he did the voice of Blackhand in

I hover because I don’t want some judgmental asshole deciding I’m “neglectful” and calling the cops. It’d be a waste of resources on an already taxed system, bro. 

That’s disgusting. Seriously, wash your feet. They are cesspools of bacteria, and no, “gravity” bringing the soap water down isn’t enough. That’s how things like Athlete’s Foot and other foot and toenail infections spread.

Pfff... no one with a good PC keeps it under the desk. How would you admire the rims and strobe lights all the way down there?

There are plenty of ways. For example, Just say you think it is not the time or place for it and that, as an athlete, CK has many, many avenues to express his feelings. I could get with that criticism even though I happen to think CK is not saying anything terribly controversial. Let me rephrase that — if you know any

As a Sri Lankan born and raised and living in America, I can tell you it doesn’t work like that. I’d love to go to Wonder Con or Anime Expo here in L.A. cosplaying as Commander Shephard or Link, but I feel really uncomfortable about doing it because I don’t wanna hear all the shittalking from all the assholes saying

My wife had a particularly trying day at work last week, and I wound up snagging this for her as a surprise gift before she got home (Steam version).

I can see where it wouldn’t be the type of game I would invest a great deal of time into, but she seems to be really enjoying it so far. She really goes in for exploring,

No. Most people aren’t. It’s just that the dozens of not shitty people who cross your path each day go unnoticed whereas the shitty people make themselves known with their shitty behavior.

Nifty trick: Have a girlfriend who plays video games as much or more than you.

The problem with this post, and the idea behind it, is that this gameplay was very seldom discussed by the creators— hell, almost all of the discussion was on how the world was built and how the tech worked. What the gameplay was was an unknown, and the devs maintained radio silence on that to an almost maddening

Regardless of what they said two years ago, I have absolutely no problem with this game NOT being multiplayer. Im enjoying myself the way it is now.

Other people are rightfully pointing out the issues with the prison system, but I’m going to take it one step further. The prison system rips apart families and perpetuates a cycle in which children with a parent in prison are more likely to end up in prison themselves - driven by poverty and by the choices one has to

Yes, I’m not sure what the shaming surrounding people utilizing social programs designed to level the playing field/provide needed support is. Can’t bootstrap if you have no shoes.

I would love to be able to do that but between other hobbies, work, and a three year old I'm lucky to get 4 in. I'm not in a huge hurry its nice to know there are so many more waiting for me.

Investors are confused!

Something or someone doesn't need to be making a concerted effort to be racist in order to be racist.