
All your statistics illustrate is that 29 women didn’t pass. That doesn’t mean that women will never pass. If the training is open to women, eventually some will. Women that follow will learn from the experiences/failures of those who went before. I don’t think you can expect floods of women to pass these physical

Well there’s a simple solution to that problem, which is don’t lower the standard. I know there were rumors about that happening with the Rangers, but I haven’t seen anything conclusive and the army denies it. I think if they do that they’re completely shooting themselves in the foot, and doing a disservice to the

Agreed. If a woman can pass the Q-Course, let her do the job.

I’m glad you are kind of on board, but why would you assume a woman wouldn’t be there for her friends? I’m in no way physically capable of this sort of thing, but I do know that if I were I would never leave one of my team behind. That's not a man thing; that's a human thing.

There never seems to be an acknowledgement that women might bring unique strengths to a team, like being able to more easily interact with women in societies where women do not speak to strange men.

“I weigh 225 pounds, and 280 pounds in full kit, as did most of the members of my ODA (a 12-man Army Green Beret unit). I expect every person on my team to be able to drag any member of my team out of a firefight. A 130 pound female could not do it, I don’t care how much time she spends in the gym. Do we expect

Don’t lower or change the physical standards, and let the best of the best do what they do best.

I can understand somewhat the initial concern about physical strength but this is negated by the mandatory requirements. Aka if she can meet the physical strength required, then she has every right to be there.

Time to sneak a lot more rum into the Holiday Punch. A LOT MORE.

It really is unfair. Billionaires should be treated the same by these cities as all of the people living paycheck to paycheck that are trying to get a new stadium for the sports franchises they own.

I’m gonna build a new house using public taxes simply because the house I want to build will look nice and help bring in more property taxes for the area around me and it will employ people to work in and around my house. I deserve to use public money to achieve that. Makes so much sense.

It’s actually quite difficult to mistake Jersey City for the Gaza Strip.

So good....

I know I shouldn’t be (as I’ve lived a long enough to have seen it regularly) but I’m constantly amazed at the mean streak and lack of empathy a huge portion of our population seems to suffer from. Are they lacking some part of their brain that allows them to put themselves in someone else’s shoes?

But two separate people have said that is not the case. Sorry Charlie Sheen is a world class asshole who does not get the benefit of the doubt.

Fogle has been sentenced to 15 years and eight months in prison

“Most of the suspected paris attackers were European Nationals”

“The emotional effects of his diagnosis may help explain some of his behavior over the past two years”

Thank you for doing this. I hate to look at these images, but people seem to forget that this is what it looks like when a man beats up a person less than half their size.
It’s crazy because while I know this will make (likely a positive) difference, I’m sad that it’s necessary. I’m sad that it took video of Ray Rice

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