I’m kind of glad her lead is being eaten away at by Bernie Sanders. I’m still not sure if I want her to win honestly.
I just love American airport security. Your genitals must be groped for security purposes, but the ID control is laxer than in a dive bar.
nearly half (48 per cent) of the DNA found matched no known organisms.
Where’s the flying pigs in frozen hell part?
I almost hope the Rapture happens at this point so Jesus can backhand these people back to the stone age.
Damon got exactly what he wanted out of this situation —people talking about him.
Damon Wayans can’t believe everybody’s so bent out of shape about him calling some of Bill Cosby’s alleged victims…
That’s so cool. I didn’t think that French Lines would have it on their site. Even a picture of it sinking. Good find.
My CBRN training covered this. And they left something nice for all of you to reflect upon: look at all the precautions they took back then to quarantine diseases, most of which still exist, and think about today when you merely walk out of a plane in a new country without the slightest medical examination.
I’m really confused about this story considering recent scientific studies have concluded the rats had nothing to do with the plague... How did that not show up in your research?
Wait, you would just leave it there and do nothing? Or do you mean you’d call the police but just not touch it?
Thisthisthis!! I am a renter, I don’t even pay a water bill, and I’m SO CAREFUL about my water usage, because it IS a zero-sum game and it might just run out, sooner than we’d like.
OKAY OKAY OKAY! Enough, back into spaces all you want. Free country.
This is why any proposal that begins with the words “Bro, we should totally...” ought to be immediately dismissed.
If I dated women I would feel the same way.
Who the fuck cares if someone takes up two spaces? Mind you own business and get a life.
I understand her need to defend him. It's her way of coping. It just makes things sadder.