
The dog in this story is the clear MVP.

Logan’s dog is probably a Chihuahua... As in Mexican

Instead of building A WALL Trump should just install an invisible fence and have all non-Americans wear shock collars.

“He supports Trump even at his age,” Logan’s uncle said, adding, “He knows a lot about politics.”

Logan’s dog requests political asylum.

“It’s very rare that someone is involved in a homicide case with someone they just had a baby with. It’s very early to make a conclusion as to what the cause, intent, motive and facts were to this unfortunate tragedy.”

No, it was actually 60 letters;

Someone yesterday made an excellent point, every senator who wrote a "character reference" for this monster needs to be examined by the public and their political opponents.

No wonder we are running a deficit every body thinks they entitled, your pregnancy is your choice , you should bear the full cost. As much as I despice trump some of his ideas need to be put into practice, Preferably by any other candidate other than egotistical self.. The free rides need to end............

This is bullshit. There have been multiple announcements by the TSA that they can't handle regular security lines at many airports because the enrollment in the pre check program was much lower than anticipated, and they don't have the funds to fully staff the airports.

Why does it matter that “no one knows who the father is”? This shit just shows how retrograde America is. This slut-shaming crap is selling tabloids.

Men who hate women, hate them, because they fear our power, and one of the only ways they feel they can control us, is to control our bodies. The thing that scares these men so much is the idea of women not needing a man. If a woman can have sex whenever and wherever she wants, then she is free to reject a man or

All the more reason - time for a substantive once and for all ruling *separating church and state*.

People with MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more rationale wind up funding illegitimate wars and corrupt stock market crooks ponzi schemes. The zealots can pitch in for birth control.

After reading All The Single Ladies by Rebecca Traister I think she provides a pretty good argument for why this is an issue. It’s an issue for them because something like the pill changes the fabric of society too much for their liking because women aren’t dependent on men when they can’t get pregnant at any time or

I think tax money going towards it and freedom of information act say it is.

Former mary jane addict..clean 17 yrs...I want to say, without preaching or judgement-that I missed out on a few jobs because I “didnt want to quit” weed, but when I finally put it down for good I was amazed at how many things of far greater value than a job I also missed out on while smoking, after work and on the

All this yaaaaaaaaaaaaassss! I grew up on a dairy farm and I am SO tired of all the BS natro-pseudo science of people on dairy farms and how “unhealthy and unnatural it is for cows” Cows are domesticated animals. My brother has a large heard of about 250 head. All of them are treated so well and live in pastures/barns

Anyone who has taken public transit on a regular basis and is not, in fact, a self absorbed shithead, knows that this man is a hero. Everyone who doesn’t think he is a hero, is an idiot.

That’s because many large scale dairy farmers let their animals stand in small pens in piles of their own shit, then pump them full of antibiotics to counteract the things contracted from this practice. Raw milk that comes from most dairy farms is indeed not safe to drink, and most outbreaks from raw milk have come

This is what’s wrong with the country?