Dark Reality

Wow, epic fail. Aldiko is alright for showing off your collection of digital books; if you want something flashy to go with the fancy new smartphone you got, Aldiko is fine, but GO Reader is better. I mean, since all we care about is showing off book covers, GO Reader (or was it GO Books?) is superior since it lets

Here's another annoyance: You need an iPhone. Shouldn't this be filed under iPhone or Apple?

Thanks Lifehacker, Alan, and Hive. I own about three office suites thanks to Amazon's FAOTD, and I didn't really want to test each one. I'm just gonna run QO until it pisses me off, if it does, then I reckon I'll try one of the others. Also gonna wait until I get my next phone. I fear my Samsung Acclaim will burst out

Regional carrier US Cellular just put out a statement saying none of their devices have it. You should add that, they are in 26 states and are the 6th largest US carrier.

@ACO. Perhaps. Like I said, it wasn't ours. We were following the prompts as best we could. I'm no pro gamer, but I do alright. I play Harmonix's other game, Rockband, on Hard vocals, and I've beaten Oblivion, Fallout 3, and New Vegas pretty much every which way. I'm pretty far from casual and I'm certainly not new to

The article is wrong because it's asking the wrong question. I don't give a damn whether or not task killers increase battery life or not. It's whether they actually speed up the phone when it gets bogged down after being on for 12 hours or more.

My advice is to not use overpriced, undertested technology that clearly isn't ready... My sister-in-law has Kinect and plenty of room for it... that thing is stupid as hell. We go to play Dance Central, and it randomly switches the dancers. Even the blue/pink cues indicating who does what swaps. The players go to

Light Explorer actually comes with Notepad++ Portable (PortableApps.com's build). I went to install it, and lo and behold... it's already there! Win!

This article has a sad. Coffee makers are expensive (for what you get), inefficient, and hard as hell to clean. Also, whether you make coffee or tea, your hot beverage is sitting on a hot plate, and that isn't good for it.

Install it and make it a portable app (sandbox it)? Might be a violation of some rule somewhere, but it seems like it would fall on the clean side of legit. I don't mean ThinApp, I believe PortableApps.com has a free app that will make an app portable. I haven't tried it, though. I think it's a launcher that sandboxes

Shouldn't Ultraviolet have been the first film to support Ultraviolet?

It doesn't look anything like iOS. Horrible wallpaper aside, iOS doesn't do widgets and the icons start in the upper left and work their way left to right, then top to bottom. Stock Android can copy iOS reasonably well by just putting all the icons, in alphabetical order, out on the home screens, then using something

I'm pretty sure CenturyLink does the first one, but I don't really care about that. If I mistyped a URL, I'm not gonna bother with whatever page comes up, whether it's a squatter or a landing site loaded with ads. Even if it has a link to the site I wanted, I just close the tab and go again.

Somebody please tell me the stupid mattress tags can be removed. They're cute in the pictures, but I wouldn't want them.

I would be happier with the Android SDK if I didn't have to download all those packages. Can't I just get a one-file download that includes the emulator and Gingerbread ROM in one package, that installs and runs without having to download anything else (i.e. an offline installer)? 1.5MBit DSL kinda sucks, but it's the

Better Facebook. Why would you use anything else? A couple of those require you to be tied to one browser — Chrome. Even if you like Chrome, do you want to be tied to it? Or is it good enough that you would choose it, given the equal choice? (That said, as a Firefox fan, BFB actually works a little better in Chrome.)

To clarify what TheFu said, the $100 cards might run Black Ops, I'm not sure, but for optimal performance, you will want one from the ~$175 range. You could possibly get by with a ~$135 card. As far as specifics I can't recommend one GPU maker over the other, let alone specific models. I paid about $180 for my AMD

My brother told me, when he was 8 or 9 or thereabouts, that time travel was impossible because if it were, he'd come back and tell himself that it would be invented (or, more likely, what girls to avoid, as he's dated his share of crazies). This stayed with me for many years. Only recently (last couple years) I've

Why do people ignore Google Talk when they talk about BlackBerry Messenger and iMessage? It's all just instant messaging, and Android has it as well. IM via Facebook (routed through that site's PM system) is the same as Google Talk, only different accounts going through different servers.

Two clarifications: