Dark Reality

@pwolfamv: Yes but I haven't got, nor can I afford a Mac. I would dual boot OS X and Windows 7 on a PC I built myself. (The reasoning? OS X is basically a marriage of Mac OS, the second most successful commercial OS, and Linux, the most secure. I'm not gonna plainly state that OS X is better than Linux, because that's

@slaw: [cite], and I mean that in the nicest way possible. I can install a legally purchased OS X on my AMD-based system? What's the catch (besides it being frowned upon by Apple — I don't care about that if I pay for it, I just don't wanna pirate it)? I agree about Lion, it just seems like a bunch of iOS-merging

You can't switch to Mac from PC without buying a whole new computer. Kinda left that bit out. Or was some stimulus bill passed where we're all getting about $1500 each? Even last-minute tax filers would have gotten their federal income tax refund already, if that's what you were going for. Now you can install a

I use my real name on Facebook and Google+. I also use Dark Reality, which I've used since 1992, or some variation on it, in case it's taken. I'd be a fool if I thought Dark Reality offered me any anonymity; I'm sure anybody can Google it and get my real name without too much effort. (Yep, second page. I also have a

1. A developer starting a new project in no way neither plainly nor clearly states that they are taking people off their existing projects. Maybe they got some OS people who don't care about Firefox at all? You never know.

I just won one of these. I thought I read about it here and was coming back to say thanks. I guess not, though, as I don't see a reference. Anyway, to enter, you just "Like" the Facebook page for Belkin, and you should see how to enter. They emailed me a PDF I gotta sign and get notarized, and mail them, and they

Now, if you're gonna limit yourself to Linux, why not just get Android or something equally minimal to work? Especially those of you who said they could write code.

Hit Start (or the Windows key). Type "notepad" but don't hit Enter. See it above? Right-click it, go to Run as Administrator. Then go to File>Open and type C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc\hosts and hit Enter. No extension (e.g. .txt) on hosts, it has no extension. You can then save.

What about in Windows 7? The hosts file is locked, even as an administrator.

I can do it rather quickly in Facebook. There's no telling when I'll be able to do it in Google. And of course Google is going to be faster by default, in that Google+/Circles isn't going to get the widespread adoption of Facebook. Just like Orkut, Buzz, and Wave. Facebook beat MySpace because MySpace was broken and

Cool. While I'm sure there are a lot of sites that serve that purpose (like YouTube), they have it all arranged quite well.

If you're gonna buy borax, you might as well just buy Terro. Same idea, borax and sugar (honey?). It's this syrupy liquid, they give you some laminated squares to tear off the packaging, but when that runs out you end up ripping the packaging up to make squares, though any non-porous surface should work. This

The author of BITS is either Bill or was so amused by Lifehacker's highlighting of his homescreen that they used it to show off their app/widget. Very interesting. Still, that looks like an awesome widget. Thanks for sharing!

@JGab — You spend more money that way, going by what's on sale, as opposed to what you need. We plan our meals out in advance, and only buy what we need. If we buy something just because it's on sale (which can even mean they raised the price and put it on sale for the original price or close to it) we've spent more

Been said in the comments, but FlexxT9 is the best one, and I've used a few.

Now, I'm not a big fan of note-taking (as in, I've never found a place for it in my life), but, I think if I were, and had two devices with *active* Dropbox sync capability (as opposed to Android which can only download from) I'd just stick a StickWiki in my Dropbox folder. It's a Wiki that lives in a single HTML

Nope, no such option, just says the credentials aren't valid. Maybe you can point me to the URL that lets you register... clearly there isn't one clearly defined on the site anywhere.

Here's a related tip for those of you who are married or have a willing friend: Write your shopping list out twice. Drop your partner off at one store while you go to another or vice-versa. Call one another (helps if you have Bluetooths) and go to each item, one at a time. Whoever finds it for cheaper puts it in the

@saltboy: Punching in a code from a UPC that won't scan is part of the job. Punching in a code off some lazy yuppie's phone because he doesn't want to get the card out of his wallet is going above and beyond, and most cashiers will, but that says more about your lack of character for holding up the line than it does

@Vesta: Actually, Facebook does have that feature. You can make a list, and then you can share with the list. Or you can tell it exactly which friends to share each status message with — or which to hide it from.