Dark Reality

It's a step in the right direction, but I think it's stupid that it's dependent upon a third party service to log in. I don't mind linking my Twitter or even my Facebook to comment, but I'd like to be able to log in directly without needing another site to do so. I think your site should not depend on a social

Well, for free space, it's actually at the bottom. What if I don't have a huge network of people who are willing to give me space by signing up using my referral link? I'm too proud to ask people I know for things like that. That said, I did get two referrals, plus I did their tutorials, so I have ~3GB in Dropbox, but

Well, I'm sure at least two of the "Most Popular" smartphones would be the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S. That doesn't mean they're the best; in fact, any brand's flagship phone since 2010 probably runs circles around the 4S. Better options exist than the most popular. In many things such as music and film this is all

Scissors are awesome, but you gotta get a decent pair. I have a pair of meat scissors, and they work great for clipping coupons and whatever papers and plastics I have to cut. But when I get a big value pack of meat with more fat on it than I'd like, I rinse off the scissors and go to town. Beats a knife and cutting

Why would anyone use Dropbox to sync music? If all you need is 2GB you can get microSD cards in that size for next to nothing (but 4GB and maybe 8GB cards might not be much more) and Amazon MP3 offers 5GB. Maybe if Dropbox took the money it used to bribe blogs into helping convince the public that it's still relevant,

Me pointing out that LauncherPro is abandoned (or not) won't change anything. If you're worried what people think about your favorite software, donate to the dev and/or encourage the dev to either continue it, or release the source so others can. Anyway, it's still the best launcher I've seen for underpowered phones,

LauncherPro shouldn't even be on the list, IMO. It was abandoned 13 months ago. It's still decent, but as fast as Android moves, you can't just leave software alone for over a year and expect it to hold up. It's amazing people still swear by it.

Well, that's not that bad, I guess, since you can just manually open the favored app from the dock. Android lets you change the defaults, but it's not foolproof. It needs — in fact, I suppose both platforms need — a defaults manager like Windows has. Android has such an app available (it's called HomeSmack, if you

It isn't a rant, but I suppose to a fanboy it would seem like one.

Thanks for the article. I didn't want to agree with it, but you make some good points us Android users can't really argue with, such as all developers working on essentially the same device. Not really — way I see it, you have iPod Touch, iPhone 3GS-4-4S, and the three iPads. Still, that's better than the endless

Widescreen, anybody? You can't buy 4:3 television sets anymore, at least not at major retailers. Ditto for those crappy, cropped "Fullscreen" DVDs. I saw some in a dollar store once, but even Walmart is quickly moving to widescreen-only. There are some cheap (or free-with-contract) Android phones that use 4:3, but it

I don't think sharing your WiFi is a very bright move. I would set up MAC filtering on the router. Set up the WiFi access point, but make everyone who uses it give you their MAC address so you can whitelist them. That way, strangers aren't using your Internet for illegal activities. Also, set download restrictions. If

I've never used brown sugar, only white sugar when doing this before, but the syrup always came out runny. And the taste isn't that great. Maybe if you grew up on Aunt Jemima or Mrs. Butterworth's, it's not bad, but if you grew up on Log Cabin Lite, this is garbage. LCL is often overlooked because it has "Lite" in the

Why? As the article author says, it's not big enough for pots and pans.

TweetDeck used to have this as a built-in service (deck.ly) but when they got bought by Twitter, they dropped the feature and shut down the service. I felt bad, I advised a minor celebrity via Twitter to try TweetDeck rather than going through the hassle of TwitLonger.

No, Amazon stopped the "free 20GB storage plan for 1 year if you buy an album" but any music you buy on Amazon is stored in your personal cloud and *doesn't* count against the quota (however, CDs I rip and upload there do). I only use my Amazon cloud for music, since the Amazon MP3 app is so nice (IMO) and my carrier

I love the wallpaper on your Thunderbolt. It's one of my favourites on the desktop. I have never thought about making it into a vertical wallpaper but now might.

I'll definitely give it another look when I get on my next device. I think I last used it... August or September last year (2011). That's when I tested the lot of them.

Crack water.

Vote: Wallbase